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ENG302 : The Class : Rhetoric : Situations : Group Project
Preparation for Group Project

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Complete the assignment as directed

DUE: At the end of Module 2

Group Assignment

Each of you will take part in a group assignment. This assignment will be completed during the next few weeks as you work through Modules One and Two. There will be several steps for you to follow, and most of the work will be posted as a common item in the VCC, making it available to each person in the class. A schedule will be posted and directions will be given, so you will know exactly what to do to complete your part of the project.

This project is designed to be completed by a team of people, to simulate an assignment that would be expected of you in a typical business setting.

After reading this page, go to the VCC and find an item (file) labeled "Company Problem". This is the common "item" where each component of this project will be located, and where you will post your work.

1. Project Overview:

There will be four parts to this problem, and each group will be assigned to work on one part. These are the parts:

· Group 1: You will research the company and the products made by the company thoroughly. Come to an understanding about the products, how they work, what might go wrong with the products, who might be faced with a problem of owning a defective product of this type, and what they could do about the problem. In prose form, you will define the hypothetical problem, the person or persons who are affected by this problem, and write a complete description of this. Make this realistic. Make the person with the problem a real person, who lives in a real place. Give a wealth of information. Give even more information than you think we will need about this problem!

· Group 2: You must also be familiar with the company website and products. Do a problem analysis, using the groundwork laid by Group 1, and following the guidelines I will provide in your item. This will be a breakdown of the problem into its parts. The parts will include three things: Problems of Fact, Problems of Interpretation, and Problems of Value. I will define these more, and give examples of them in the VCC item.

· Group 3: You must also be familiar with the company website and products. You will do a Contextual Analysis, using group 2’s work, and following the guidelines (and examples) which I will provide in your item. This will basically be an analysis of the context of the problem, which will lead to the most effective communication. Effective communication will lead to the effective solution of the problem.

· Group 4: You must also be familiar with the company website and products. Your job will be to write a technical document of some type; a memo or a letter to a person who will be able to solve the problem described above. I will provide further guidelines and an example that will illustrate an example of this in your item.

The final products must be posted in the item entitled "Finished groupwork" in the VCC by the date posted in the VCC common file, with the names of each student who contributed.

At this time, start this project by going to the VCC center. When you get there, find the item labeled "Company Problem" and open it. Look for your name in the lists of groups. (If you do not find your name, email me right away so that you can be assigned to a group.) This will tell you which level of the problem you will be working on. When you know which group you are in, go to the item labeled "C.P., Group __". This is where you will begin to post your work and work with the other members in your group. It will be important for you to finish your part of the work by the dates posted, so the other groups can follow up with their work. You will find a grading chart in the VCC folder soon. Good luck and have fun! And remember, we are all learning!

You should now: Go on to web assignment 2: Researching Technical Writing Websites

Go back to the situations topic page

If you have questions about this project, please email me!

Please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in all of the areas above, click the Send the assignment button below to send the assignment to the instructor.


E-mail Greg Larkin at Gregory.Larkin@nau.edu
or call (520) 523-4911

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