Hello! My name is Olga Almanza and I am currently a Itinerant Special Education Teacher at Somerton Middle School. I was born in Blythe, California on March 21, 1970. I have lived in Somerton since 1971. After my graduation from Kofa High School in 1988, I attended the University of Arizona in Tucson during the summer of '88. I took a semester off to visit Guadalajara, Mexico and then I registered at Arizona Western College during the Spring of 1989. I met my husband there and we soon married. Later I returned to AWC where I graduated in 1994. I then transferred to NAU, where I received a Bachelor's of Art Degree in Spanish. I worked as a Bilingual 1st grade teacher in Long Beach during the fall 1998 school year. Due to health problems I returned to Somerton where I have been working since August 1999. I love my job. The students are a breath of fresh air. During my spare time, I love to read. I began reading and writing Spanish upon my attending NAU. Before then, I was completely ignorant regarding the rich Latin American Literature. Currently, Somerton Middle School has adapted a special reading program where I can help students begin to love and understand literature. IT'S GREAT! Upon my completion of my education degree, I would like to continue working in Special Education. I would also like to continue my writing and eventually publish some material. So if anyone out there has any contacts with a publishing agency....please, let me know.