Sample Chart


I have included this sample chart for you to use to graph out the results of Alfred Q. Public's evaluation results. To get a clear picture of Alfred's profile you should do the following steps:

  1. Identify the best estimate of Alfred's ability (intelligence) and draw a line across the graph at the point that corresponds with this score. (you can use either the WISC or the KABC scores)
  2. Your district indicates that, for them, a significant discrepancy is represented by a 15 point difference between the ability estimate and achievement and/or processing test scores. Calculate this 15 point discrepancy from this best estimate score and draw a line across the graph to indicate the minimum level necessary to qualify for special education as a child with a specific learning disability.
  3. Plot out each subtest score on Alfred's achievement battery test (WIAT)
  4. Plot out each processing test standard score (VMI and the Bender)

Plot Graph