Congenital Heart Defects

One category of health impairments is congenital heart defects. Although you may not see many children with this condition since most are repaired shortly after birth, you will occasionally find a child who has developed a heart defect or who has not had the original defect surgically repaired. Click on the document below to learn about the different types of congenital heart defects, the effects of these conditions, and treatment approaches.

Congenital Heart Defects






Diabetes is a condition that produces effects that are felt throughout the body. Many children with diabetes lack energy, become fatigued easily, may be inattentive on occasion, and may show symptoms of the disease off and on throughout their school day. Click on the link below to learn about diabetes.

Diabetes Basics (review the basic - top - section)

Diabetes Management at School (good information about school plans, including documents and management plans)

Information for Teachers

Information for Classmates







Asthma & Cystic Fibrosis

Asthma and cystic fibrosis are two health conditions that effect the child's strength, stamina and vitality by reducing the capacities of their lungs. In asthma, this reduction in lung capacity is a result of inflammation, limited lung pressure, and congestion. Cystic fibrosis, on the other hand, reduces the child's lung capacity through the buildup of viscous mucus along the linings of the lungs. Visit the following cites for more detailed information about each condition.


Understanding Asthma (be sure to review the entire document)

The Genetics of Asthma

Why is the Incidence of Asthma Rising?

Treating Asthma (review the entire document)

Cystic Fibrosis (CF)

Teacher's Guide to CF





Sickle Cell Anemia & Hemophilia

Two disorders that produce health impairments by effecting the ability of the body to gain nourshment from an adequate blood supply are sickle cell anemia and hemophelia. In the case of sickle cell anemia the irregular formation of the child's red blood cells blocks transmission of oxygen to the tissues of the body. With hemophelia, abnormal bleeding due to an absence or limited amounts of certain blood clotting agents, reduces the amout of oxygen reaching the bones, muscles, nerves, and organs.

Sickle Cell Anemia

An introduction to sickle cell anemia (take the entire tutorial)


Facts about hemophilia





Cancer & Lupus

Lastly, two health conditions produce systemic effects that reduce a child's stamina, attentiveness, and strength: Cancer and lupus. Click on the links below to learn more about each condition.

Childhood Cancer (look over the associated links)

Living with Lupus