Neurological Conditions


are conditions that are a result of damage to or deterioration of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). The extent of the damage or deterioration may be mild or severe, focal (limited in scope) or diffuse, and may cause limited impairment or extensive, long lasting effects.Neurological conditions often effect:

Neurologic conditions include:



Musculoskeletal Conditions

This category contains conditions that cause orthopedic (physical) impairments as a result of damage or deterioration of the muscles or bones. Musculoskeletal conditions may result from defects in structure/function or diseases of the muscles or bones. Musculoskeletal conditions primarily effect the child's joints and muscles and effect the individual's ability to move about, sit, stand, and possibly use their hands or arms. Examples of musculoskeletal conditions include"



Congenital Malformations

are conditions that result in malformations of the body. Typically the congenital malformations are a result of a genetic defect, the influence of a teratogen, virus or bacteria, or simply a developmental accident. Congenital malformations may result in an improperly formed limb, or the absence of part of the whole limb. Malformations effect the child's abilities to move about, use certain body parts, and if extensive limit the child's ability to engage in certain academic or self-care skills.

Congenital Malformations include: