Paper 1: Define Peace
Paper 5: The Final Paper and Project Paper 5
Course Description Syllabus Grading Cline Library WebCT   Dr. Nancy G. Barron
Paper Description

Purpose and Goal

The Paper

The purpose for this final writing assignment is for you to combine all the skills you acquired in this course. Library research, text and image rhetorical analysis, making an argument, supporting your argument, word choice, structure, organization, sentence-level detail. Consider going to the Writing Center and working with a Writing Consultant. Best if you make an appointment as they get busy.

The Paper:
Choose 5 individuals whose work you admire, and whose work represents individuals working to maintain and to further develop peaceful environments. Give brief backgrounds on each one's work (not a biography, but a summary of their work). Present your argument in a specific rhetorical structure (remember response paper #4), and include images that help your argument.

What similarities and differences do you find in their work? Why do you suppose they are successful in what they do? How do they express peace, peaceful actions, and peaceful environments? Why are their words different from your poor teacher who spent 15 weeks trying to change 25+ individuals approach to thinking? Are there any principles of peace you can pin down? (kidding about the teacher part).


An Argument
12-15 pages
10-12 citations minimum
5 images minimum, 7 maximum (no larger than 2x2 unless you talk to me first)
Work Cited Page
Title page (name, course, date)

Possible Grade: 30 points

Due Tuesday, December 06, Week 15. No late papers accepted.

Purpose and Goal

The Project

The purpose for this final project is for you to take the data you have thought about, written, and worked with a Writing Consultant on and turn it into an object someone outside of our classroom can learn from, can think about. Audiences to consider:

Possibilities for project's audience
Elementary school age
Rural People
Urban People
Teens Teachers Activists
Politicians Apathetic College Students Nurses

You are to choose one of the multiple intelligences as your implementation and design emphasis. Make sure you discsuss why you chose thsi particular framework for your audience (why music instead of interpersonal for kids; why visuals instead of an intrapersonal approach for your audience). Your project ought to be something that either can be handed over, burned, listened to, or visited online. Portfolios, automated slide shows, newsletters, podcasts with a visual handout, quicktime movie, flash cards, etc.

Smart students go the Writing Center and work with a Writing Consultant (plan ahead).


Have project draft for presentations given before Tuesday, Dec. 06. (Do not make 25 copies of your project. 3-4 copies are enough)
Let Dr. Barron know if you need a casette player, ipod speakers, etc.
We are limited to the technology available in the classroom. Please have hard copies as deemed necessary.

Due Tuesday, December 06, Week 15. No late projects accepted.

The Presentation

You will present your project to your peers using powerpoint. 10-12 minutes total. You will submit an outline of your presentation along with your final paper and project (Powerpoint slides are okay).

You are expected to participate as a listening audience as well. Please attend all presentations and not only your own.

Due either Week 14 or Week 15 (depends on when you signed up). Please Note: If you sign up for week 14 (Tuesday especially), you will be giving a "Work in Progress" Presentation and you will be graded differently from those who present on week 15. Those who sign up for week 15 (Thursday especially) are expected to give a "Final Presentation" and you will be graded accordingly.