English 313w
Response Paper 1 English 313wEnglish 313w

Choose 1 author from Buddha, Penn, Emerson, Thoreau, and state their main idea. Cite their examples as evidence (use APA citation guidelines).


1-2 pages
NO title page (name in upper right hand corner)
Due: September 08, Thursday (no late papers accepted)

5 points
English 313w
Response Paper 2 English 313wEnglish 313w

Choose 2 authors from Addams, Nearing, Ghandi, Collopy, Cronkite, Day, Weil, Camus, and write a synthesis showing where they overlap with their ideas. Go here for a refresher on synthesis.


2-3 pages
NO title page (name in upper right hand corner)
Due: September 22, Thursday (no late papers accepted)

5 points

English 313w
Response Paper 3 English 313w

Visual Rhetoric. Creating an image.

You will choose a quote from 1 author we have read. You will create a flyer with this quote, and you will include 1 image that goes along with the quote. You may use the person's image (the person who said your chosen quote) or you use an image that supports or is an example of the quote. Bring your flyer to your conference, week of October25th.


1 page
NO title page (name in upper right hand corner)
Due: The week of October 24th, your scheduled conference (no late papers accepted)

5 points
English 313w
Response Paper 4 English 313w

Choose 1 author and discuss the structure of their argument and why it is effective for their argument. Go here for a refresher on structure of an argument.


2-3 pages
NO title page (name in upper right hand corner)
Due: November 03, Thursday (no late papers accepted)

5 points
English 313w
Response Paper 5 English 313wEnglish 313wEnglish 313wEnglish 313w

Choose 2 authors and analyze their word choice. Which paragraphs, sentences, individual words are strongest and best support their purpose?


2-3 pages
NO title page (name in upper right hand corner)
Due: November 10, Thursday (no late papers accepted)

5 points