Paper 1: Define Peace
Paper 1: Define Peace Paper 1
Course Description Syllabus Grading Cline Library WebCT  Dr. Nancy G. Barron
Paper Description
Purpose and Goal

The purpose for this assignment is for you to articulate your beliefs about peace _according to_ the assigned readings and how they relate to your lived experiences. Your challenge with this paper is to start defining "principles of peace". Do NOT write a paper by answering the following questions. Use the questions as a guide for your argument. You may organize your paper into two sections (A and B) but it is not required.

Section A:
According to the 10+ different selections you read so far, what is an "image" of peace you gathered from the authors? What physical and/or philosophical elements are necessary for peace according to the authors? How do these authors' selections fit or not into your personal experience with peace (not necessarily a private experience, but situations that you were involved with). [roughly 4 pages]

Section B:
Which author's words helped you further along your thinking? Which examples made the most sense? Choose 2 examples. Which rhetorical principles are found in the selections you chose? [roughly 3 pages]


An Argument (make a statement, support that statement)
7-10 pages
4 citations minimum
2 images minimum, 4 maximum
Work Cited Page
NO title page (name, course, upper right hand corner on 1st page)

Due Tuesday, September 14th, Week 3. No late papers accepted.