Paper 1: Define Peace
Paper 2 Paper 2: Peaceful Solutions
Course Description Syllabus Grading Cline Library VISTA   Dr. Nancy G. Barron
Paper Description
Purpose and Goal

The purpose for this assignment is for you to show your research skills, and to incorporate our readings into your thinking. Make an argument, support it, and show how the principles of peace are beginning to repeat themselves.

Section A:
Research a topic that had a peaceful solution (global, national). This topic therefore is an example of peace, a hopeful reminder that peace is attained and it is an example of how peace is discussed. Use our readings to help you discuss your ideas. [roughly 4-5 pages]

Section B:
Include 4 images that support your discussion. Analyze the images as you would text. What rhetorical appeal does the image represent? Within its context, how is the image understood? Outside of its context, how is the image understood? How text-bound is the image? If the image stands alone, why do you think so? [roughly 2-3 pp]


An Argument (make a statement, support that statement)
7-10 pages
4 citations minimum
2 images minimum, 4 maximum
Work Cited Page
NO title page (name, course, upper right hand corner on 1st page)

Possible Grade: 20 points

Due Tuesday, September 28th, Week 5. Bring with you to your conference. No late papers accepted.