
Connections, research, argument.

Use the following prompts as guides to your writing. Do not answer my questions in sequence. Use the prompts as a starting point.
All documents are due on the date listed before the description (Response Paper 1 is due on January 24th).


Week 2 | Jan. 24th


Response Paper 1

  Focus on Collopy, Cronkite, Sturken and Cartwright's assigned reading. If visual culture is heavily dependent on the historical understandings of images, what supports Cronkite's hopes? What in our current day is evidence that his hopes may not materialize? Find an image that supports or does not suppport the hopes for peace.


2-3 pages (double-sided printing is preferred but not mandatory)
No Title Page
1-2 images that helps you convey your discussion

Week 3 | Jan. 31 Wow, no paper or project due. Read.  
Week 4 | Feb. 07    

Paper 1


Part A) According tothe 3 chapters (Sturken and Cartwright) and the online articles, what are 2-3 examples of visual literacy in your current environment? Practice citing other people's thinking as framework for your own thinking. (approximately 3 pages)

Part B) From the Collopy collection and the Power of Nonviolence collection, what sorts of media (images, sound) might have 2-3 authors used in their essays? (approximately 2-3 pages)


5-6 pages (double-sided printing is preferred but not mandatory)
No Title Page
3 images that helps you convey your discussion

Week 5 | Feb. 14    

Project 1 | Presentation

Conference Week.
Sign-Up for a Conference

Choose 5-7 images of a peaceful situation, event, thing. Crop and present the detail as an experiential display. You are encouraged to choose a cultural theme such as, (these are examples and not required topics)

  • automobiles
  • nursery rhymes
  • food
  • nature
  • biological organisms
  • music
  • tattoos
  • a particular country


Individual or partners (no more than 3 per project)
The medium and the object is open to your discretion. Probably the most accessible is a series of images whether on a powerpoint or word document. You may create a hardcopy and frame it for a particular site (bedroom, kitchen, office, etc.)

1 Example


Use the following template for the 5-10 minute presentations .

  1. Purpose
  2. Audience
  3. Intended Goal
  4. 1-3 examples of decision-making
  5. Questions | Answers
Week 6 | Feb. 21    

Response 2 | Proposal

  Proposal Specifications on link.

Use all the readings up to this point in the class as your data to pull from. At this point in the class, how might you present a visual experience of a peaceful action, a peaceful sound, a peaceful place, a peaceful thought, a peaceful time?

Your challenge is to use a workplace or a group of potential financiers. "Nice idea, but how much does it cost? What might I gain?" How do you articulate a concept into concrete details? An additional challenge is to articulate how that experience might be sustainable.


3-6 images
Text is okay (consider using text as an image—font style, etc.)
Choose your program (Word, PPoint, Swish, iMovie)
This means your actual response is either a paper (essay with words and inserted images), or a digital response

Search for images online, or use our scanner for original images

eek 7 | Feb. 28    

Project 2 | Presentation | Quiz 1


Create a website with 2 topics on peacework—What is and what can be. Choose from websites, images (online and scanned in), and any hard copy. What kind of peacework needs to be done, what kind of peacework is happening? Please note how such activities are funded. Choose a theme to organize your website. You could look at,

  • exchange programs
  • environmental racism
  • hunger
  • automobile pollution
  • gay issues
  • A.I.D.S.
  • housing
  • women issues
  • the southwest border

You are to acknowledge the problem but to show possbilities as well.

  • Presentations
    Use the following template for the 5-10 minute presentations.
    1. Purpose
    2. Audience
    3. Intended Goal
    4. 1-3 examples of decision-making
    5. Questions | Answers


Individual or partners (no more than 3 per project)
Index page has 2 links
Problem page has 3-4 links (no more)
Possibilities page has 3-4 links (no more)
Use text, images, sound if applicable.

For those of you interested in blogs, you are welcome to link to a blog (yours or another's) specifically on this topic.

Week 8 | March 7    

Response Paper 3

  No Response Paper Due! We'll work on in-class exercises in the lab. Our focus for this week is Techincal Communication.


Review the ix exercises. Notice their language, their ways they're presenting skills. Who's their audience? Who might be interpellated? How do these exercises follow Sturken and Cartwright's discussion of postmodernity and a visual world?

Week 9 | March 14    

Project 3 | Presentation

Conference Week.
Sign-Up for a Conference

Create a larger website with your Vancouver project in mind. The website will be an argument for your topic. If your interests are with the possibilities of business and peacework, then consider how businesses are currently engaging with your previous project's theme, and what else might be done. If you chose, for instance to look at the river disease in Latin America, and you showed how the Carter Center and Gates' Foundation are working to eliminate the disease, you could apply economic principles to the region. If there were jobs created that focused on clean water, which companies are already doing such work? What data can you pull together to offer your audience an experience of possible work? What data (images, text, stats.) can you provide to argue your case? Do not merely inform your audience, but inform with an experience so they do not forget your images, your text, etcetera.


  • Presentations
    Use the following template for the 5-10 minute presentations.
    1. Purpose
    2. Audience
    3. Intended Goal
    4. 1-3 examples of decision-making
    5. Questions | Answers


Individual or partners (no more than 3 per project)
Index page has 2-4 links
Each link is to have 2 additional links (more if you like, but 2 is sufficient)
Images, text, etcetera

If you wish to include an iMovie, plan on sitting in the lab. Collect images, video, etc.

For those of you interested in blogs, you are welcome to link to a blog (yours or another's) specifically on this topic.

Week 10 | March 28    

Response Paper 4 | Quiz 2

  Choose an image from a current periodical (in print or online) and discuss how it denotes peace, and then provide its context while discussing the image's connotations of peace. What influences your understanding? What did you bring to the article? What was difficult to accept because of your previous knowledge?


2-3 pages (double-sided printing is preferred but not mandatory)
No Title Page
2-3 images that helps you convey your discussion (make sure that 1 image is the image you are discussing.

Week 11 | April 4 Finish up the Vancouver Project — Post your project by April 18th Open Lab

Paper 2

  As a partner or as a member of a group, discuss the theories that support your choices. Who is your audience? How do you imagine your ethos? What do the theories (from all our readings) help you explain, help you understand, and help you relay to your audience? This paper ought to be the preliminary step toward the final paper.


2-3 pages (double-sided printing is preferred but not mandatory)
No Title Page
2-3 images that helps you convey your discussion (make sure that 1 image is the image you are discussing.

Week 12 | April 11 Usability Testing Open Lab. You'll have forms to fill out for your peers.
Week 13 | April 18 Final Presentations 15 minutes each @ 10 presentors per class
Week 14 | April 25 Final Presentations 15 minutes each @ 10 presentors per class
Week 15 | May 2 Final Wrap-Up | Hand in the Final Paper and Presentation Outline. Possible Open House

Final Piece

Due: Week 15 | May 2

Final Piece (notice it is not solely a paper)

Audience: Choose an environment you know pretty well. Your workplace, your study place, your family/friend's place. This will be your audience. Your chosen "place" is having a dinner and gathering for you because they are very interested in your studies. In addtion, your place/audience, invited a few people you have not met before. But, as you know and trust the larger group, you can only imagine that they too will be receptive to your discussion.

Necessary Condition: If we agree that Collopy's entire text is 1 example of multiple individuals who perform individual acts according their strengths, then we can, as individuals not only acknowledge peaceful work on a daily basis, but we can also enact peaceful actions on a daily basis. Cronkite to Redford, Mother Teresa to Lin. The book then, has a very different, very diverse set of individuals—yet, they represent individuals whose actions contribute to states of peace. I need you to accept that peaceful actions, situations, events, and people, are not only famous international types, but a potential for every individual.

Task: You will provide concrete examples of how the fluid concept of peace exists in many forms not only with "traditional" peacemakers (often religous or spiritual), but also in forms we do not associate with peacemakers or peaceful work. You will use our texts as frameworks for your choices. According to Sturken and Cartwright, what are your examples representing? I encourage you to appropriate forms, methods of delivery, images, audio, with the idea of creating an experience versus an informative piece. Please make 50% of your examples from your own environment (living or dead). The other 50% from outside of your personal space.


Possibilities: You may find that your colleague is a good example of peaceful actions. Choose a way to represent her work, her actions, her choices that are examples of your larger umbrella concept that you will articulate by using theoretical definitions and ideas from our readings. The way will be your container or method of delivery.

Then choose the container or the method of delivery. A poem of her work? A photo essay? A cartoon? A part of a procedural manual? Something that lends to your own interests and talents. Remember, though, that not everyone at the dinner party will know of your colleague. You need to be as specific and detailed as possible. Choose your language, images, audio, carefully. Consider layout.

Another example is to choose an individual or group (musicians, scientists, athletes, an identified group) whose work may not be specifically targeted for peace work, but in fact, through that work it allows for others to pursue peaceful endeavors, or to experience peace. Here is an example of peaceful experiences with what most North Americans do not think twice about: Right To Play. While I want you to look around and to choose individuals or groups from your own environment, please choose 1 example from an international scene.


Choose 2-4 concrete examples of peace (If you do 2, then 1 is personal, and the 2nd is from elsewhere)

The Method
Whatever you wish. iMovie, Swish, Word, other programs. Aim for an experience rather than an informational piece.
Place your examples within a webpage that will be linked to the Peace Forum.

The Paper
Describe your examples by using theory as a framework for your decisions and end product(s). (2-3 pages)

Show that you understand the theory by discussing your concrete examples. Who or what is that example (not a full biography, but a description, 2-3 pages each).

Discuss your choices for your examples, and why you chose to use the medium (iMovie, ppoint, etc.) and the method (short story, photos, etc.) you did (1-2 pages each)

What was the experience you intended to pass along to your viewers? (1-2 pages)

Incorporate images useful for your discussion

8-12 pp total