
Only dust particles think in a vacuum.

This page will be completed by January 17th or so...

I am often amazed at students who casually mention that it has been years since their last visit to the Cline or to any library for that matter. While the internet does have many online resources (some better than their print version), you are fully expected to work with librarians when needed. Do not depend solely on the list provided here, and please do not depend solely on me. You have one another and you have specialists at the Cline. I am often chatting with librarians and learning about sites that now have music clips, video clips, images, text, all organized waiting for that right combination of search words. Learn how to use search engines, learn how to think like librarians as they spin through their word-banks. The better you understand how various sites organize their data, the better your research and I bet, the better you will enjoy your research.

I do not understand why students (especially at the graduate level) submit work without having an outside reader look it over first. This means I am not very sympathetic especially toward the mid point of the term. You have a great FREE resource at the Writing Center, LA 228. Smart students enroll in an English 100 which secures a weekly appointment. Do not let the "100" fool you as the number does not signify the level of work that goes on. It simply means 1-credit.

The following are citations for the full-text we are reading articles from. There are also websites that I find useful for thinking about images, rhetoric, and peace issues.



Websites Something specifically digital media
Handa, Carolyn. Farm Aid | Delicacy of Despair |  
  Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation  
  Green Building Store (u.k.)  
  Sustainable Design Collaborative  
  Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge  
Week 13 | April 18    
Week 14 | April 25    
Week 15 | May 2