40 Years Ago...

Purpose: Practice noticing language, tone, style, support, and how you feel and think after reading texts. Notice parts of speech, kinds of adjectives, punctuation; how ideas are presented.

Please read King Jr.'s "I have a dream" speech, then choose 3 other sources from 5 listed here.

Questions for King Jr.'s Speech:

Overall, what is the purpose of the speech? What did you respond to from the speech? Where in the speech does King Jr. call for reflection? Call for action? Is there a part in the speech where you think he was trying to teach something?

Questions for the 3 Sources:

When was article/commentary teaching something? When did you find yourself reflecting? Any calls for action? What was the tone? How did they connect their article with King Jr.'s speech? What parts of the speech were used? What message was emphasized in the articles? Is there a sense of current struggle?

Be ready for class discussion on Thursday (August 28th). Keep your notes in your journal.

I have a Dream
Listen to MLK Jr.'s voice
Seattle Newspaper Tucson Newspaper Nashville Commentary National Public Radio (read or listen) MSNBC