Defining Others A Collaboration For 411 and 521


This assignment is intended to help you think critically about the different ways we define groups through images, sound, and language. Once you put together all the pieces of this assignment, you should be able to present and write an essay that uses the theories we explored in class to talk about the power of images, sounds, and words in defining others.
Think of your audience as members of an academic community interested in finding out more about how we are influenced by what is going on around us and how we influence what others can see by the choices we make about images, sounds, and language.
Content: This project is divided into 4 parts:
Part 1: understand the power of images
Part 2: understand the power of sound and how sound reinforces or changes our perception of images
Part 3: understand the power of language and how language reinforces or changes our perception of images and sound
Part 4: putting it all together: understanding how we are influenced by images, sounds, and language, and how we (as writers) influence others by selecting specific images, sounds and language used by a specific group.

To the Collaborative Assignments