English 570—Article Citations

The readings listed below can be found at the Cline reserves.

Birdsell, David and Leo Groarke "Toward a Theory of Visual Argument." Argumentation and Advocacy, 33 (Summer 1996): 1-10.

Blair, J. Anthony "The Possibility and Actuality of Visual Arguments." Argumentation and Advocacy, 33 (Summer 1996): 23-39.

Bolter, Jay David Hypertext and the "Question of Visual Literacy." Handbook of Literacy and Technology: Transformations in a Post-Typographic World. Eds. David Reinking, Michael C. McKenna, Linda D. Labbo & Ronald D. Kieffer. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, c1998, pp 3-13.

Buchanan, Richard "Rhetoric, Humanism and Design." Discovering Design: Explorations in Design Studies. Ed. Richard Buchanan and Victor Margolin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1995, pp. 23-66.

George, Diana "Changing the Face of Poverty: Non-Profits and the Problem of Representation." Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics. Ed. John Trimbur. University of Pittsburgh Press, c2001, pp. 290-228.

Hobbs, Catherine L. "Learning from the Past: Verbal and Visual Literacy in Early Modern Rhetoric and Writing Pedagogy." Language and Image in the Reading-Writing Classroom. Eds. Dristie S. Fleckenstein, Linda T. Calendrillo and Demetrice A. Worley. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, c2002, pp. 27-44.

Horn, Robert "Rhetorical Devices and Tight Integration." Visual Language: Global Communication for the 21st Century by Robert E. Horn. Bainbridge Island, WA: Macro VU, Inc., c1998, pp.105-106.

Kenney, Keith "Building Visual Communication Theory by Borrowing from Rhetoric." The Journal of Visual Literacy 22:1 (Spring 2002): 53-80.

Lanham, Richard A. "Digital Literacy." Scientific American 273:3 (September 1995): 98 and 200.

Porter, James E. and Patricia Sullivan "Repetition and the Rhetoric of Visual Design." Repitition in Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol.2. Edited by Barbara Johnstone. Norwood, NJ: Ablex, c1994, pp. 114-129.

Rogoff, Irit "Studying Visual Culture." The Visual Culture Reader Edited by Nicholas Mirzoeff. London: Routledge, c1998, pp. 14-26.

Shauf, Michele S. "The Problem of Electronic Argument: A Humanist's Perspective." Computers and Composition 18:1 (March 2001): 33-37.

Welch, Kathleen "Electrifying Classical Rhetoric: Ancient Media, Modern Technology, and Contemporary Culture." The Journal of Advanced Composition 10:5 (Jan./Feb. 1990): 22-39.