English 570

Final Paper and Final Project

Target Audiences

Your end goal in this class is to write up a research paper on an organization/group of your choice. You are to analyze the way(s) the organization represents itself. According to their pamphlets, mailers, websites, what's the organization's purpose? What sorts of visuals do they use? Text? Can you tell who the target audience is? After you do the research and analysis (use our course readings to help you talk about their visuals), you're to choose a non-academic audience(s) that you think they're not including. Then you'll choose 1 group that is excluded for your project's audience.

For instance, if you choose Amnesty International, most likely they're not targeting kids, 4th grade through 6th. This target audience (4-6) wouldn't be interested, the visuals and text are most likely beyond them. The target audience for your project are kids, 4th grade through 6th grade.

The project is a 10 minute presentation of your chosen organization to this excluded group. How would you present the purpose, goals, struggles, aims of Amnesty International (as A.I. defines them) to a group of 4th through 6th graders? Please use any all of the software, techniques we've used in the class.


The Paper

12-15 pages
APA Style
8 to 10 sources (3 may be www)
Include Abstract

Audience: Formal, Academic
Submit via WebCT

The Project:

Whatever works for your target audience (imovie, website, pamphlet, audio, powerpoint, indesign, Photoshop... a combination of these)

Audience: Non-Academic (may be formal if necessary)
Submit final via WebCT
The purpose for submitting to WebCT is for your classmates to view. I always enjoy final projects/papers. I think you will too.

Presentation: You'll sign up for a day and time for your presentation. You'll present your project to the class. The class will be your target audience. We can be 4th through 6th graders, I'm sure of it! :-)


Your final portfolio will be an accumulation of the entire course. This final paper and project is included in your portfolio.