The Font Assignments

Your Assignments:

In Class—Work on the following sentence.
Create 4 different sentences, each with its own font. How does the meaning change with each font?
Write a quick memo to me explaining how you see the differences among the fonts you chose. Please feel free to consider font size as well. For this assignment, keep the font black.

Not only is my dog my best friend, she can drive a car too.

Send an attachment to with
your memo, and the 4 sentences included with the memo. The memo should be no more than 2 pages (including the 4 sentences). Feel free to experiment with Word Memo templates.
Deadline: Thursday, August 28th, midnight.


Choose 3 stages in your life where a font communicates that stage. You'll use your name as the point of reference. You can choose to represent your full name, your last name, your mother’s last name, as long as you choose a name that you identify with.

Write a description of your names at their appropriate stage (1 paragraph per stage). Then represent your name in a font that ought to match each of your description.
For instance, my stage one font will represent the time when I paid attention to fonts, started to print everything like the books we had, and I got in trouble because I wasn't following our hand-writing/cursive rules. I decided to take the heat and kept signing my name with individual letters, rather than cursive.
My second stage I chose is my “Free-South-Africa” stage where I protested almost everything and everyone.
My third stage will be my wanna-be artist stage where I seriously looked into Otis Parson, NY. But, I was too young and afraid of a city I only knew from the television. I did, however, practice painting my signature.

I want you write up a paragraph per font choice. Description first, then your name. Second description, then your 2nd name. Third description, followed by 3rd name.


Bring a print-out of your fonts to class.
Use regular paper, nothing fancy.

Deadline: Monday, September 8th.