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Bibliography for CEE 101


Baecker, D. (1998). Uncovering the rhetoric of the syllabus: the case of the missing I. (use of pronouns, classroom power) College Teaching, v46 n2 p58(5).

Cruickshank, D., Bainer, D., and Metcalk, K. (1999). The Act of Teaching. McGraw-Hill.

Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. New York: Free Press.

Dinmore, Il (1997). Interdisciplinarity and integrative learning: an imperative for adult education. Education, v117 n3 p452(16).

Dutt, K. (1997). The fishbowl motivates students to participate (The Quick Fix). College Teaching, v45 n4 p143(1).

Fram, E.and Pearse, R. (2000). "Tough Love" Teaching Generates Student Hostility. College Teaching, v48 i2 p42.

Gibboney, R. and Webb, C. (1998). What Every Great Teacher Knows: Practical Principles for Effective Teaching. Brandon, Vt: Holistic Education Press.

Gilliland, H. (1987). Curriculum Development for Native American students. Developed for the Indian Bilingual Teacher Training Program, Eastern Montana College, Billings, Montana.

Golland, J. (1998). A lesson plan model for the supervision of student teaching. Education, v118 n3 p376(5)

Gronlund, N. (1995). How to Write and Use Instructional Objectives. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill, Prentice Hall.

Higgins, P. (2001). Excitement on the first day. College Teaching, v49 i1 p2.

Hobson, S. and Talbot, D. (2001). Understanding Student Evaluations. College Teaching, v49 i1 p26.

Horning, A. (1998). Helping students in trouble: what they didn't teach in grad. School. (Special Section: Writing Out of Bounds). College Teaching, v46 n1 p2(5).

Hurst, B. (2001). ABCs of content area lesson planning: Attention, basics, and comprehension. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, v44 i8 p692.

Jackson, M. (1995). Skimming the surface or going deep? (teaching and learning methods in higher education). PS: Political Science & Politics, v28 n3 p512(3).

Jirp, D. (1997). Those who can't: 27 ways of looking at a classroom. Change, v29 n3 p10(9).

Kher, N.; Mostad, S.; Donahue, R. (1999). Using humor in the college classroom to enhance teaching effectiveness in "Dread Courses." College Student Journal, v33 i3 p400.

Kloss, R. (1997). The way it looks right now: a simple feedback technique. College Teaching, v45 n4 p139(4).

Lyons, R., Kysilka, M. and Pawlas, G. (1999). The Adjunct Professor's Guide to Success: Surviving and Thriving in the College Classroom. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Mahaviere, W. (1997). A gentle discovery method (the modified Texas method). College Teaching, v45 n4 p132(4).

Nelsen, C. (1996). Student diversity requires different approaches to college teaching, even in math and science. (Multiculturalism and Diversity in Higher Education). American Behavioral Scientist, v40 n2 p165(11).

Osgood-Treston, B. (2001). Program Completion Barriers Faced by Adult Learners in Higher Education. Academic Exchange Quarterly, Summer v5 i2 p120.

Price, K. and Nelson, K. (1999). Daily Planning for Today's Classroom. Boston: Wadsworth Publishing.

Rodgers, A.; Cross, D.; Tanenaum, B., and Tilson, E. (1997). Reflections on what makes a good teacher. (Carnegie Foundation Professor of the Year Winners). Radiologic Technology, v69 n2 p167(3).

Sanoff, A. and Daniel, M. (1996). The core of the matter. (college curriculum content, core subject requirements) U.S. News & World Report, March 25, 1996 v120 n12 p57(2).

Sapon-Shevin, M. and Chandler-Olcott, K. (2001). Student cohorts: communities of critique or dysfunctional families? Journal of Teacher Education, v52 i5 p350(15).

Shalaway, L. (1998). Learning to Teach: Not Just For beginners. New York: Scholastic.

Slavin, R. and Cooper, R. (1999). Improving intergroup relations: Lessons learned from cooperative learning programs. Journal of Social Issues, v55 i4 p647.

Snell, J.C. (2000). Teaching Gen X & Y: An Essay Part 1: Establishing one's self in the classroom.College Student Journal, v34 i3 p472.

Snell, J.C. (2000). Teaching Gen X & Y: An essay part 2: Teaching Strategies. College Student Journal, v34 i4 p482.

Sonner, B. (2000). A Is for "Adjunct": Examining Grade Inflation in Higher Education. (Statistical Data Included).Journal of Education for Business, v76 i1 p5.

Steele, C. (1997). Essays - well worth the effort. College Teaching, v45 n4 p150(3).

Wiggns, G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Wiggins, G. (1993). Assessing Student Performance: Exploring the Limits and Purposes of Testing. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.