This was taken from  The Duke University web page.



Op-Ed Articles: How to Write and Place Them

If you're a faculty expert or other member of the Duke community who has an interesting opinion (and who at Duke doesn't?), you may have thought of writing an op-ed article for a newspaper or elsewhere. Such an article can reach millions of readers, swaying hearts and changing minds. It can help reshape a public debate and affect policy. It also can bring you considerable recognition for less effort than it takes to write a professional monograph or journal article. Moreover, effective op-ed articles reflect well on both the author and the university, which is why Duke encourages faculty members and others to reach out to this important market.

Duke's Office of News and Communications has considerable experience with op-eds and can guide you on how to craft and submit an article. It has prepared these guidelines to help you get started:

Track the news and jump at opportunities.
Timing is essential. As a former New York Times op-ed page editor wrote: "When people like Saddam Hussein and George Bush go on the warpath, op-ed editors don't like to hang around waiting to see what next week's mail will bring. And they can't imagine that people will read an article, no matter how wonderful, that bemoans the perennial budget mess when all anybody can think is: 'Does he have the bomb?'" Our experience at Duke reflects this; authors are most successful when they track the news.

Limit the article to 750 words.
Shorter is even better. Some academic authors insist they need more room to explain their argument. Unfortunately, newspapers have limited space to offer, and editors generally won't take the time to cut a long article down to size.

Make a single point - well.
You cannot solve all of the world's problems in 750 words. Be satisfied with making a single point clearly and persuasively. If you cannot explain your message in a sentence or two, you're trying to cover too much.

Put your main point on top.
You're not writing for Science or The Quarterly Journal of Economics. You have no more than 10 seconds to hook a busy reader, which means you shouldn't "clear your throat" with a witticism or historical aside. Just get to the point and convince the reader that it's worth his or her valuable time to continue.

Tell readers why they should care.
Put yourself in the place of the busy person looking at your article. At the end of every few paragraphs, ask out loud: "So what? Who cares?" You need to answer these questions. Will your suggestions help reduce readers' taxes? Protect them from disease? Make their children happier? Explain why. Appeals to self-interest usually are more effective than abstract punditry.

Offer specific recommendations.
An op-ed is not a news story that simply describes a situation; it is your opinion about how to improve matters. Don't be satisfied, as you might in a classroom, with mere analysis. In an op-ed article you need to offer recommendations. How exactly should North Carolina safeguard its environment, or the White House change its foreign policy? You'll need to do more than call for "more research!" or suggest that opposing parties work out their differences.

Showing is better than discussing.
You may remember the Pentagon's overpriced toilet seat that became a symbol of profligate federal spending. You probably don't recall the total Pentagon budget for that year (or for that matter, for the current year). That's because we humans remember colorful details better than dry facts. When writing an op-ed article, therefore, look for great examples that will bring your argument to life.

Use short sentences and paragraphs.
Look at some stories in the News & Observer, the Herald-Sun or a national newspaper, and count the number of words per sentence. You'll probably find the sentences to be quite short. You should use the same style, relying mainly on simple declarative sentences. Cut long paragraphs into two or more shorter ones.

Don't be afraid of the personal voice.
Academics often avoid first-person exposition in professional journals, which rarely begin with phrases like "You won't believe what I found when I was working in my lab on Research Drive last month." When it comes to op-eds, however, it's good to use the personal voice whenever possible. If you are a physician, describe the plight of one of your patients. If you've worked with poor families in the Triangle, tell their stories to help argue your point.

Avoid jargon.
If a technical detail is not essential to your argument, don't use it. When in doubt, leave it out. Simple language doesn't mean simple thinking; it means you are being considerate of readers who lack your expertise and are sitting half-awake at their breakfast table or computer screen.

Use the active voice.
Don't write: "It is hoped that [or: One would hope that} the government will . . ." Instead, say "I hope the government will . . ." Active voice is nearly always better than passive voice. It's easier to read, and it leaves no doubt about who is doing the hoping, recommending or other action.

Avoid tedious rebuttals.
If you've written your article in response to an earlier piece that made your blood boil, avoid the temptation to prepare a point-by-point rebuttal. It makes you look petty. It's likely that readers didn't see the earlier article and, if they did, they've probably forgotten it. So, just take a deep breath, mention the earlier article once and argue your own case.

Make your ending a winner.
You're probably familiar with the importance of a strong opening paragraph, or "lead," that hooks readers. But when writing for the op-ed page, it's also important to summarize your argument in a strong final paragraph. That's because many casual readers scan the headline, skim the opening column and then read only the final paragraph and byline. In fact, one trick many columnists use is to conclude with a phrase or thought that they used in the opening, thereby closing the circle.

Relax and have fun.
Many authors, particularly academics, approach an op-ed article as an exercise in solemnity. Frankly, they'd improve their chances if they'd lighten up, have some fun and entertain the reader a bit. Newspaper editors despair of weighty articles - known in the trade as "thumb suckers" - and delight in an academic writer who chooses examples from "Entertainment Tonight" as well as from Kierkegaard.

How to submit an article.
The best way to submit an op-ed article is by working with Duke's Office of News and Communications, which interacts regularly with op-ed editors and understands their needs. Contact Keith Lawrence for assistance. If you do choose to submit an article yourself, be sure to include your contact information, and say whether you have a photo of yourself available. Most papers now accept articles by e-mail. Please copy Keith on your submission.

Where to submit the article.
Here's a wild guess: You're hoping to publish your article in The New York Times, with The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal as backups. Well, welcome to the club. These and other national publications, such as Newsweek and USA Today, receive a staggering number of submissions, the overwhelming majority of which are rejected. You have a better shot at regional newspapers and, especially, at local papers such as the News & Observer, Herald-Sun and Charlotte Observer. Web sites such as "Slate" are also gaining in importance. Duke authors have appeared in almost every market and, as always, they've fared best with arguments that are provocative, humorous, personal or unexpected. The Office of News and Communications can assist you in targeting your article to the most appropriate newspaper.

David Jarmul, Duke's associate vice president for news and communications, prepared these guidelines. He was the creator and director of a nationally syndicated op-ed article service at the National Academy of Sciences.



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How to Write an Op-Ed Perhaps it's PR's most underutilized tool.


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by John McLain
McLain Communications

One of the best ways to gain credible visibility for a corporate client is to have that company's chief executive submit an opinion piece to a major newspaper and have it published. Easier said than done. 

Quite often, most CEOs have no time to write an op-ed; even fewer know how. That's where you step in to help the executive craft a fiery opinion, which is supported by facts making his or her case. An op-ed is not an essay, something that slowly unrolls like a carpet, building momentum to some point or conclusion.  It's just the opposite.

In an op-ed, you essentially state your conclusion first. You make your strongest point up front, then spend the rest of the op-ed making your case, or back-filling with the facts. Done right, it's persuasive writing at its best. You will help the company win converts, gain high-quality publicity for the company, and you will be reaching the elite audience of opinion-makers who regularly read the op-ed pages.

Here's a checklist to keep your op-ed on track:

  • Focus tightly on one issue or idea --- in your first paragraph. Be brief.
  • Express your opinion, then base it on factual, researched or first-hand information.
  • Be timely, controversial, but not outrageous. Be the voice of reason.
  • Be personal and conversational; it can help you make your point. No one likes a stuffed shirt.
  • Be humorous, provided that your topic lends itself to humor.
  • Have a clear editorial viewpoint - come down hard on one side of the issue. Don't equivocate.
  • Provide insight, understanding: educate your reader without being preachy.
  • Near the end, clearly re-state your position and issue a call to action. Don't philosophize.
  • Have verve, and "fire in the gut" indignation to accompany your logical analysis.
  • Don't ramble or let your op-ed unfold slowly, as in an essay.
  • Use clear, powerful, direct language.
  • Emphasize active verbs, forget the adjectives and adverbs, which only weaken writing.
  • Avoid clichés and jargon.
  • Appeal to the average reader. Clarity is paramount.
  • Write 750 double-spaced words or less (fewer is always better).
  • Include a brief bio, along with your phone number, email address, and mailing address at the bottom.

Many major newspapers today accept timely op-eds by email. Check the paper's website first to be sure what its policy is. While it's tempting to fire off your op-ed to The New York Times, remember that there are many other major newspapers to consider.  The New York Times receives more op-eds daily than any other paper in the US, so competition is fierce. It's better to be published in another excellent paper than to be not published in The New York Times.