The Acoelomate Animals
Review Coelom Chapter 7
The three phyla considered in this chapter are the Platyhelminthes or flatworms;
the Nemertea or ribbon worms; and the Gnathostomulida or jaw worms.
The following is a list of Acoelomate animal characteristics.
Acoelomate Characteristics
- review (fig. 15-1)
- bilaterial symmetrical
- one internal cavity
- digestive
- triploblastic
- ectoderm
- mesoderm (but not lining digestive cavity)
- endoderm
- organ-system organization
- cephalization
- nervous system
- ladder type in flatworms (fig. 15-7 B)
- excretory system
- simpliest animals with this
- circulatory system (Phylum Nemertea only)
- digestion system
(mouth serves as intake orifice and also for waste =
gastrovascular type: fig. 15-7 C)
Phylum Platyhelminthes (4 classes)
Browse this site for more information:
Flatworms (fig. 15-2). The word worm is loosely applied to elongated, bilateral
invertebrate animals without appendages.
"flatworms" (fig. 15-2)
body flattened in dorsoventral plane
- can be ciliated in some
- either
- cellular
- syncytial
- rhabdites (Class Turbellaria)
- tegument (Classes Monogenea, Trematoda, Cestoda)
nervous system
- anterior ganglia
- longitudinal nerve cords with transverse connections
eyespots (some members)
excretory system
- lateral canals
- flame cells
- protonephridia
following lacking
- respiratory
- circulatory
- skeletal
Class Turbellaria
Turbellarians are mostly free-living worms that range in lengh from 5mn or less
to 50cm. Usually covered with ciliated epidermis, these are mostly creeping
worms that combine muscular with ciliary movements to achieve locomotion. (fig.
15-3 & 15-5; 15-7)
read p. 282-285 for info on basic physiology and
life processes i.e., food intake, response to stimuli, regeneration, excretion,
respiration, osmoregulation, locomotion
- monoecious
- Class Monogenea (fig. 15-15)
The monogenetic flukes are all parasites, primarily of the gills
and external surfaces of fish, urinary bladders of frogs and turtles and eyes of
- flukes
- all parasitic
- gills of fish, uninary bladders frogs and turtles
and eyes of hippos
- require aquatic condition
- direct life cycle
egg --> oncomiracidium (ciliated larva) --> attaches
to host organism (fig. 15-15)
Class Trematoda
Trematodes are all parasitic flukes, and as adults they are almost all found as
endoparsites of vertebrates.
Broswe this website:
- flukes
- all parasitic
- examine typical body form of fluke (fig 15-14)
Subclass Digenea
- indirect life cycle (LC)
- one to several host
- intermediate host
- final (definitive) host
- Human liver fluke (Clonorchis sinensis)
Schistosomiasis (Read pp. 287-288; fig. 15-12)
Infection with blood flukes of the genus Schistosoma ranks as one of the
major infectious diseases in the world, with 200 million people infected.
Visit this site for more information: Schistosomiasis
Click on the gallery photo for a view of swimmer's itch.
Class Cestoda
Cestoda, or tapeworms have long flat bodies in which there is a
linear series of sets of reproductive organs.
For more information browse these sites:
Cestodes: Tapeworms
Cestodes are all parasitic.
- tapeworm terminology
- scolex (fig. 15-19)
- hooks/suckers
- proglottid (fig. 15-19)
- gravid
- polyzoic
- strobila
- Taeniarhynchus sp.
- beef tapeworm
LC = eggs out with human
feces -->
cow injest eggs from
contaminated grass -->
eggs hatch into
oncospheres -->
oncospheres burrow
through intestinal walls and enter blood stream -->
enter muscles and form cysts
(bladder worms or cysticerci) -->
human eats uncooked or
improperly cooked infected beef and infection results
- Tab. 15-1 and pp. 292-293 for additional cestodes
For more information on tapeworms browse this site:
Phylum Nemertea
Nemerteans are often called the ribbonworms (fig. 15-22)
- bilateral symmetry
- three germ layers
- complete digestive system
- eversible proboscis
- rhynchocoel
- "flame cells" (see previous description)
- excretion
- no respiratory system
- locomotion
- glide against substrate by muscular waves
- attaching proboscis and pulling forward
- feeding (fig. 15-24)
- carnivores
- live animals
- decaying animals
- closed circulatory system
- nervous system
- brain
- 4 fused ganglia
- ventral/dorsal pairs of nerves
- sensory pits
- reproduction
- dioecious
- regeneration
Phylum Gnathostomulida (fig. 15-26)
The first species of the Gnathostomulida was observed in 1928 in the
Baltic, but its decription was not published until 1956.
- lack circulatory system
- incomplete digestion system
Phylogeny/adaptive radiation of the three phyla: pp. 297-
Once you have completed the lesson, you should go to Assignment 15-1.
E-mail Sylvester Allred at

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Northern Arizona University