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BIO190 : The Class : Chapter 39 : Assignment39

Assignment 39: Study Questions

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  1. Study the assignment carefully
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1. Your textbook describes the planet Earth as a spaceship (pg. 776). Describe how earth could be compared with a spaceship. 1 point.

2. Compare the similarities and differences of the three components of the biosphere, the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. How are these three components represented in Figure 39-1? What is their connection with each other? 1 point.

3. How many biomes are represented in North America? Is there anyplace in North America that one could visit and pass through most of the biomes in Figure 39-3 on the way? If so, describe the area. 2 points.

4. Who was C. Hart Merriam? Where in Arizona did he do research? What concept did he develop? 1 point.

5. How is the clearing of tropical forests affecting the climate in other parts of the world? Where are the nutrients in a tropical forest? How does the eating of a hamburger indirectly affect the soil in a tropical forest? 3 points.

6. What has become of the areas that were once grasslands? Explain how you personally have contributed to the loss of grasslands. 1 point.

7. In one paragraph, explain the following statement: “Lakes and ponds have short lifetimes. 2 points.

8. What is El Nino? Describe the relationship between El Nino and anchovies on pizzas. Then describe how it is connected to the water level at Lake Powell. 1 point.

9. What are the similarities and differences between biogeography and zoogeography? 1 point.

10. How would you interpret the disjunct populations of moles in Figure 39-11? What could have caused this to have occurred? 1 point.

11. Distinguish between dispersal and periodic movement. Give an example to support your response. 1 point.

12. What was the original response of the scientific community to Wegener’s continental drift hypothesis? How has the idea become useful today? 1 point.

13. In one paragraph, in your own words, please interpret Figure 39-14, The Great Interchange. 2 points.

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