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Final Examination and Task Stream for

ESE 425

To complete this assignment successfully, you will be required to complete the final exam as well as being involved in a signature assignment on TaskStream, NAU's Electronic Portfolio.

  1. Go to the Northern Arizona University Electronic Portfolio TaskStream site.
  2. The url is https://www.taskstream.com/pub/
  3. Complete the assignment.
  4. You may choose to send your assignment to the professor as a draft. You will get useful feedback if you wish.
  5. Submit the assignment in your personal portfolio account and send confirmation to the professor that you have submitted the final.
  6. Collect a for completion. You made it!

Field Project and ESE 425 Final: Functional Behavioral Assessment


Functional Behavioral Analysis

Task Stream

Focus: The FBA is a similar process to the child study team. You are looking for a way to understand why a child is behaving in a way that is keeping him or hear from learning and interfering in some significant way with the teacher's instruction and a sense of community.

Directions for Target Score


The candidate obtains data through indirect and direct means. The data is clearly summarized and expressed. The candidate includes demographic information, type of class, classroom environment, student information, instructional delivery, class management style and when appropriate interviews of staff, student, parent(s), etc. a school file review. The candidate uses multiple resources and grounds data with outside sources.  

Story of student – clear, concise, spelled out

Type of class

Environment of class specified (teacher

behavior, way it is structured, rules students are

held to and discipline expected

How instruction is delivered

Tell that you reviewed student files

Describe talking with current teacher about the child

Describe talking with previous teachers or aides

Describe talking with the parents about the child

Describe talking with the child

The candidate defines behavior in clear, observable, concrete terms and adds rationale for choosing the behavior. 

Behavioral objective



The candidate's data expresses critical elements. The candidate's charting includes the following pertinent information: ABC charts, anecdotal assessment charts, detailed procedures of data collection, frequency, intensity, duration, antecedents, names behavior, setting, time of session, consequence, patterns and behavior across time and settings. The candidate provides a foundation for the baseline data by relating it to the text, discussion and outside sources.  

Do and include several charts

ABC chart

Anecdotal assessment


Detail how you collected data (hours spent, times observed; include intensity, duration, settings and amount of time in them

Summarize how smart you were to do it this way and why it worked to give you good data about the student

Add a smug touch about something you found because of your tenacity or extra step, looking for clues

The candidate's analysis includes events across time and in other environments. The candidate has a clear interpretation of ABC, connects the reinforcer to the behavior and justifies analysis by referencing additional resources.  

Do an analysis of the behaviors and why the student is doing them (antecedents – what sets up the behaviors that are being observed); and then discuss what basic needs may be is reinforcing the student. Include things done by the teacher and by peers.

Keep it simple. Come up with no more that a cluster of three – prefer staying with one, i.e. time on task or sharpens pencil during instruction

PUT IN TWO references that justify your findings and use APA referencing to do it.

The candidate shows a clear understanding of the behavior based on data, connects the reinforcer to the behavior, formulates a sound, clear, and concise hypothesis with other facts, resources and citations. 

Develop a great hypothesis

Include why the student is misbehaving

Trace how you came to this explanation of why the

student is misbehaving, based on observations,

ABC charts, etc.

Cite two references for why (yes, use APA style)

Behavior Intervention Plan

Task Stream

Directions for Target Score


The candidate states the function of undesired behavior which is based on data from the FBA. The candidate demonstrates a clear understanding of the purpose of the behavior and provides examples and interpretation.

This is basically a nice summary of everything you just did in the FBA. You are going to show (document) that you went to all that work and have reasons to do BIP

The candidate states and clearly defines the behavior to be taught. The candidate lists specific conditions of appropriate application through a teaching sequence.

Define behavior(s) once again. Use a behavioral objective – yes, the same one you already wrote.....

Now you get very specific about how you introduce this to the student, set the class up to succeed in helping with the reinforcement and continue to teach and support the student as you carry out the behavior change process.

The candidate takes a comprehensive look at the environment and describes it. The candidate analyzes, identifies and recommends strategies to remove barriers and lists solutions. Actions are clearly defined. 

As you implement the change, there will be barriers or ways the student thwarts your efforts. You will discuss the valiant strategies you come up with the continue the change and get that objective met.

The candidate details the type of reinforcement used. The candidate includes a detailed schedule that takes in to consideration prompts, cues, and pre-correction over time. Consideration is given to the beginning of plan and long term strategies of reinforcement. 

Charts go here. These are the ones that match the baseline, but go on for weeks.

Show: prompts, cues, pre-correction, support, and remember this is for a number of weeks

The candidate states clear consequences for instances of problem behavior, establishes a distinction between outcomes for the replacement behavior as opposed to the consequences of problem behavior.  

Explain that the student was not immediately successful and how smart you were in finding new ways to overcome resistance.

Include examples of replacement behaviors you developed and consequences you came up with to help the student change.

The candidate develops a concise means to determine success of replacement behavior. The candidate's data collection methods best matches the settings in which the BIP will be implemented and charted. The candidate considers the decrease of target behavior and the increase of replacement behavior.

Charts again! Show that you had trouble at first, but over time, the target behavior decreased and the student replaced it with _____________________

The candidate writes specific behavioral goals and objectives for the student with ELN, under which the behavior will be measured and the criteria for success. The candidate also provides standards for evaluating including frequency, duration, and/or intensity of the target and assurance that replacement behaviors have met objective criteria for success.

Restate the behavioral goal and objectives and be sure you have included criteria for success

Explain how you evaluated the change, including frequency, duration and intensity as matched by your charting

Explain what a great success you have with the replacement behavior and say again how this succeeded in getting the change and still meeting the student's needs.

ESE 425

Integration and Synthesis

Assignment: FBA and BIP


•  Review the following information about the FBA, BIP and Manifest Determination process.

•  Identify one youngster with whom you are working who has an FBA and/or BIP in place. Using the proper protocol and privacy requirements, access his or her file and review the documents.

•  Interview the special education teacher who is working with the youngster.

•  With proper permission, spend a minimum of 3 hours observing the student and documenting the current plan and its strengths and weaknesses.

•  Based on your findings, develop an FBA and BIP for that youngster.

•  Turn in the assignment and then once graded, place the material in your portfolio, using taskstream.

Looking out for the needs of the individual

Looking out for the needs of the group

This is a model of what the law IDEA 2004 (effective July 1, 2005) and IDEA 2004 federal regulations (effective October 13, 2006) asks us to do.

Remember, this model can be used at any time. A BIP and FBA are useful processes for thinking about behaviors that prevent a child or the classroom from effectively learning and working. They help the teacher and the student systematically improve.

If a student who meets criteria in the IDEA law as ED, the school is mandated, BY LAW, to hold a manifest determination before the student is suspended.

Manifest Determination


The manifest determination hearing, an IEP team meeting, occurs after a child with a documented disability is recommended for suspension. An alternative educational setting (AES) may be requested. ..for certain drug and weapons offenses or inflicting serious bodily injury at school.


Before expulsion can be initiated for a student with a disability, the IEP team must conduct a "manifest determination." In this meeting they must determine whether the behavior exhibited by the student that resulted in expulsion was: 1) a result of the disability; 2) a result of the school not implementing the IEP and behavior plans adequately. The MD hearing must occur within twenty (20) school days after the decision was made to recommend an expulsion. The final decision must be made by ten (10) school days after the hearing. The law no longer states that the child continues to “stayput”


If the student's parents disagree with the manifest determination meeting decision, a due process hearing can be requested from a panel outside of the basic IEP team. This centers on the question of whether the child's disability led to the behaviors. If yes, the child cannot be expelled. If no, the school can terminate services.

The Process

•  Background Information – Look in records and ask parents, the nurse, other teachers, the child --

•  The FBA piece --Is the behavior problem real? Document and establish the antecedents, the frequency, the seriousness of the problem.

Identifying the reasons for behavior will take many forms, and while the IDEA advises an FBA approach to determine specific contributors to behavior, it does not require or suggest specific techniques or strategies to use when assessing that behavior. However, several key steps are common to most FBAs:

•  Verify the seriousness of the problem.

•  Define the problem behavior in concrete terms.

•  Collect data on possible causes of problem behavior.

•  Analyze the data.

Formulate and test a hypothesis.

3. Causal determination – Hold a meeting to get agreement about the findings.

You will not do this step during the assignment, since it may be invasive. In the future, you will include this crucial part of the process.

4. Developing the Behavioral Intervention Plan

The following is a very good link to review behavior management concepts.


Once the FBA, observations and manifest determination steps are completed it is time for the BIP.

•  Review of the behavior targeted in the functional behavioral assessment.

•  Determination of behavioral goals that relate to increasing or decreasing the specific behavior.

•  Determination of the specific intervention strategies appropriate for the behavior. Designation of the individual (or individuals) responsible for implementing the plan.

•  Determination of the appropriate dates for review of the plan and evaluation of its success.

•  Determination of the appropriate methods for evaluation of the plan. Fad (1998)

Links to excellent sample forms:



    Charts from:

Horner, R. H, O'Neill, R. E., Albin, R. W., Sprague, J. R., Storey, K., Newton, J. S. (1997) Functional assessment and program development for problem behavior: A practical handbook. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

The seven step plan is used to analyze a student behavior or set of behaviors.

1. Identify the problem behavior.
2. Define the behavior clearly in observable terms.

3. Observe the student in the setting.
4. Identify antecedents for student misbehaviors
5. Look for or ask about the needs being fulfilled or the student motives.

6. Identify replacement behaviors that are likely to fulfill the student needs.
7. Develop and implement an intervention plan as a team.


Field Project and ESE 425 Final: Functional Behavioral Assessment

You will go into the field and conduct an interview and observation. You will interview staff members (i.e. teachers, administrators, para- professionals…) and conduct an initial observation in order to target several behaviors that are impeding learning in the classroom or for an individual student. In a collaborative effort you will prioritize those behaviors. This will lead you to identify a single target behavior. At this stage of your project you will:

1. Define the target behavior in observable and concrete terms.

2. Set up the observation focusing on direct and indirect methods of gathering information. Answering questions like “Who could I have asked and what other resources could I have used to gain a clear picture of the behavior I am observing and why”(indirect) … or… “what staff and other resources have I used in order to set up my observation and understand possible causes of problem behavior” (direct).

3. You will gather baseline data by using appropriate strategies such as ABC charts and procedures. Include any raw data recorded on the data sheet with your project. Provide any explanation and/or keys. (TI =trial one)

4. You will analyze the data. Think about what you have observed; Is there a pattern? What happens across settings? What is the antecedent, consequence (reinforcer)?

5. You formulate a hypothesis as to why the behavior is occurring.

DUE: Upon Completion of 2,900 points or the first six doors/modules that comprise the basic course.

/ESE 425 Classroom Management

Assignment : Final Signature Assignment

Functional Behavioral Assessment

SPA/Discipline Outcome Code

SPA/Discipline Outcome





Demands of learning environments.

CC5K5 Social skills needed for educational and other environments . CC8S1Gather relevant background information .

Initial observation and   interview


Provides minimal summary of the experience , could be more clear ideas and observations not related to FBA, lacks specifics pertinent to the development of target behavior

Summarize your experience in the classroom, including your observations of behaviors and grade level instructional delivery, classroom management, student behavior, physical environment, staff interviewed and their back ground information,

Summarize your experience in the classroom, including your observations of behaviors and grade level instructional delivery, classroom management, student behavior, physical environment, staff interviewed and their back ground information, makes reference to text or in class discussions.

  Target behavior


Description of target behavior is weak lacking objectivity, use of reactions and interpretations cloud description of target behavior

Defines target behavior in observable, concrete terms

Defines target behavior in observable, concrete terms, adds rationale for picking the behavior

  Baseline data



the data lacks critical elements, minimal criteria on chart

Data expresses critical elements, use of chart includes pertinent information uses appropriate strategies such as ABC charts and procedures of d ata collection, I includes frequency, intensity and duration antecedents, pertinent information, name behavior, setting time of session consequence, patterns

Data includes frequency, intensity and duration antecedents, consequence clearly defined, charts complete with additional information, time setting people involved pertinent information, names, behavior, setting time of session consequence, patterns, resources text, prior resources

Analyze the data .


No connection is made between the data and target behavior

Analysis includes events across time, in other environments, clear interpretation of ABC and connects the reinforcer to the behavior.

Analysis includes events across time, in other environments clear interpretation of ABC and connects the reinforcer to the behavior justifies analysis by referencing additional resources.


Basic classroom management theories and strategies for individuals with exceptional learning needs.

  Formulate hypothesis


Hypothesis is not related to the data and shows minimal or no connection to data, a lack of understanding of the behavior. Lack of data, interferes with the abililty to formulate a hypothesis

Shows a clear understanding of the behavior based on data, and connects the reinforcer to the behavior and formulates a clear and concise hypothesis.

Shows a clear understanding of the behavior based on data, and clearly connects the reinforcer to the behavior and supports hypothesis with other facts and resources




FINAL Assessment Rubric





Unacceptable (1)

Acceptable (2)

Target (3)

CEC Standard # 5 and #8

CC5K1, CC5K5, CC8S1

Teacher candidates demonstrate an inadequate knowledge base in the foundations of special education.

Teacher candidates demonstrate the knowledge base in the foundations of special education.

Teacher candidates demonstrate an in-depth knowledge base in the foundations of special education through reflection, critical analysis, and synthesis



You may choose to complete one of the three options as a project for an A in this course.

Extra projects and choices with rubrics

Option #1 - Personal Discipline Model Essay


I. My Needs (Ex. - Orderly classroom appearance - good room arrangement)

II. My Likes (Ex. - Enthusiasm, Self control)

III. My Dislikes (Ex. - Inattention to teacher)

IV. Our Classroom

The following are my classroom rules, together with indications of how I discuss and explain them to my students.

1. My Classroom Rules (Ex. - Respect One Another)

2. Positive Consequences

3. Negative Consequences

V. Preventive Discipline Measures (I take the following steps to minimize occurrences of behavior problems in my classroom: Ex. - Involve students in setting rules.)

VI. Supportive Discipline Measures (To help students support their own self-control when I see them beginning to drift, I use the following supportive measures: Ex. - Eye contact, proximity, “Don’t kill the goose.”)

VII.Corrective Discipline Measures (When my students intentionally misbehave, I use these corrective measures: Ex. - Isolation, time out, name off Honor Board.)

VIII. Programmatic plans for maintaining a Positive Classroom Climate (Ex. - Respect each child as an individual. - adapted from Charles, C. M. (1995). Building Classroom Discipline.


Excellent Class discipline plan provides a clear picture of classroom discipline. Each area is thoughtfully and thoroughly addressed with the material showing evidence of critical thinking -- analysis, synthesis, evaluation with consistency of thought and personal educational philosophy. The writing flows, shows organization of thought and appropriate grammatical elements.


Option #2 - Parent Discipline Handbook



Excellent Parent handbook provides a clear picture of classroom discipline and sets a positive tone for parent involvement. Each area is thoughtfully and thoroughly addressed with the material showing evidence of critical thinking -- analysis, synthesis, evaluation with consistency of thought and personal educational philosophy. The writing flows, shows organization of thought and appropriate grammatical elements. It also is written so that parents will find it understandable and accessible.

I. Teacher & Student Needs Example - Orderly classroom appearance, personal needs, room arrangement, success, work ethic, kindness

II. Management goals Example - Structure, self management, safety, balance, community building

III.Philosophy of Education Example - human nature, all children can learn, self control, individualization, punitive or consequence oriented, student motivations, importance of content, classroom as community, "I will never cheat you; you will learn to value education and never cheat yourself

IV. Relationship to Home Example - Parent contact, parent follow through with parents assignments, homework, grades, home room help, parent assistants, class phone, visits to school, celebrations

V. Classroom Rules

VI. Positive Consequences

VII.Negative Consequences

VIII.Preventive Discipline Measures Example - I take the following steps to minimize the occurrence of behavior problems in my classroom, Involve students in establishing rules, teaching social skills, monitoring closely

IX. Supportive Discipline Measures Example - In order to help my students support their own self- control when I see them beginning to drift, I use the following supportive measures, eye contact, proximity, “Don’t kill the goose.”

X. Corrective Discipline Measures Example - When my students are involved in severe misbehave, I use the following corrective measures, Isolate student, contact parents

XI. Classroom Climate Example - In our classroom, we build a learning community. Cooperative learning is used as are classroom meetings. We focus on good communication skills and gaining a sense of how our actions affect learning and each other. . . .


Option #3 - Metaphorical Exposition


Choose a metaphor for your discipline plan. Address some of the paradigms or management philosophies and then build on those, showing links to schools of thought or management paradigms. Augment that with personal discipline ideas or issues and in some fashion, describe the structural dimensions of your own classroom and how these systems balance in your management program. Example Captain of a ship, a voyage into space, animals as examples of behaviors, constructing a home

This may be done in writing, by drawing, a collection of constructions or a model/diorama that is reduced to a set of photos.


Excellent Shows creativity and consistency of thought, with the metaphor holding up throughout the model.

Example of Metaphor:

Kendyland by Ken L.

In the game KENDYLAND, the game pieces represent students; the players of Kendyland, guiding those students are teachers. The students move forward (and only forward) across the Game Board of Education; their goal is to finish -- but not necessarily to finish first. The movement of the students relies partially on the roll of the dice, because much of what happens to the student in life is determined by change, and is beyond the control of the teacher. The dice are rolled two at a time and the higher number is chosen, for even in chance, we are given options -- a comforting thought.

1. In Kendyland, the student moves only forward, for it is the nature of humankind to need to grow, to learn and to succeed. Of course, the student/game piece also needs the participation of the player/teacher, for it is also the nature of humankind to want acceptance and approval.

2. Since children have a right to safety, nurturing and guidance: a) there is a teacher guide on the board; b) the only spots from which a student might fall are padded.

3. Personality is partially nature, which is why each game piece is different. However, it is also largely nurture, which is why the teacher/player is able to guide it. Our actions suggest that we believe personality to be determined more by nurture than nature, otherwise, why would we try to guide, to model new behaviors and habits to children who have already"inherited" their respective unchangeable actions?

4. Sometimes a child is so set on playing the game without following the rules, that the teacher feels alienated and bound to force the issue to bend participation. When this fails, it is tempting to stop the game and remove the game piece from the board. This is not allowed. Other means of solving the problem must be brought into play.

5. The Game Board of Education has four different beginning paths, each easier to perceive for some children and very difficult for others, based on their learning and thinking styles and ways of perceiving life. For example, the linear path is straight, logical and organized with limited distractions. One path leads straight into wilderness, and is stimulating, exciting, challenging and sometimes requires the person to carve out steps to proceed.

6. The teacher/player cannot change the student game piece The student can be guided and the teacher and other players may model options and point out opportunities, even making them seem attractive, but if a game piece is going to change, it will have to change itself.

7. We all learn instinctively albeit by different methods (which is why the Game Board of Education has four different beginning paths). Students can be supported, and given assistance to move ahead. In fact, some student may offer to share part of their die steps with another, so the two can cooperate and share the journey.

8. The teacher's responsibility is to guide the game piece down the board as enjoyable as possible. It is the teacher's right and responsibility to prevent any student game piece from knocking any other game piece off the board and to protect the journey of each game piece accordingly. Should a teacher/player inadvertently mislead or knock off a game piece, he or she will be allowed to correct the mistake and be more careful for the rest of the time. If a teacher should purposely waylay a student game piece, then that teacher is out of the game.

9. Punishment or losing a turn shall only be used to give the student the opportunity to examine behavior and alter it as necessary to improve game play. No student will lose ground that has been gained. If losing a turn does not help the student improve play then other options should be explored, including offering a different path or support in getting through the hard places.

10. Some students may cheat because they want to seem like a better player because they don't understand the rules, or for unforeseen reasons beyond the scope of the game. Those playing the game, at the behest of the teacher must model ethical behavior and help the student go back and regain ground in a legitimate manner. At times like these, the journey may seem so difficult that the student needs a piggy back ride part of the way back and strong lights to enhance the necessary steps forward. At no time will the student be left in the dark.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

Course Created by J'Anne Ellsworth & Center for Technology Enhanced Learning

Copyright © 2001 Northern Arizona University

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