1.  Stage, G. I. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1962. A new distribution and host record of Bareogonalos canadensis Harrington (Hymenoptera: Trigonalidae and Vespidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 37: 97-98.


                        2.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1967. Bionomics of Grotea californica Cresson, with a description of the larva and pupa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 43: 161-168.


                        3.   Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1967. Book review: Introducing the insect, by F. A. Urquhart. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 43: 76-78.


                        4.   Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1969. Thoracic musculature and phylogeny in the Ichneumonidae. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America 15: 208 (Abstract).


                        5.   Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1969. Book review: Six-legged science, by Brian Hocking. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 45: 242-243.


                        6.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1970. A revision of the genus Grotea (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 46: 50-63.


                        7..  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1970. Ratios: an intuitive vs. a quantitative approach in Grotea. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 46: 85-91.


                        8.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1970. Host selection and oviposition behavior of Therion circumflexum (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Bulletin of the Entomological Society of America 16: 57 (Abstract).


                        9.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and H. V. Daly. 1971. Systematic and evolutionary implications of parthenogenesis in the Hymenoptera. American Zoologist 11: 273-282.


                        10.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and C. D. Johnson. 1973. A phenetic and phylogenetic approach to the classification of a genus of seed-beetles (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Systematic Zoology 22: 280-294.


                        11.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1973.  Behavioral studies of three morphotypes of Therion circumflexum (L.).(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 49: 197-206.


                        12.  Doyen, J. T. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1974. An operational approach to species classification. Systematic Zoology 23: 239-247.


                        13.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1974.  Notes on the biology of Therion circumflexum (L.) with a description of the immature stages. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 50: 111-117.


                        14.  Slobodchikoff. C. N. 1974. Behavioral and morphological mimicry in a cranefly and an ichneumonid. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 50: 154-159.


                        15.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and J. Parrot. 1974. Species diversity and niche overlap in two habitats of Oak Creek, Arizona. Journal of the Colorado-Wyoming Academy of Sciences 7: 6 (Abstract).


                        16.  Pedersen, D. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1975. Temperature preferences of two species of Eleodes beetles (Tenebrionidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 51: 327-328.


                        17. Trune, D. R. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1976. Social effects of roosting on the metabolism of the            pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus). Journal of Mammalogy 57: 656-663.


                        18.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1976. Tenebrionid mimics and the strategy of predator-free periods. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 57: 45 (Abstract).


                        19.  Doyen, J. T. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1976. Larvae of Coelus ciliatus parasitized by Reinhardiana petiolata (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae; Diptera: Tachinidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist 52: 338.


                        20.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1976.  Concepts of species. Dowden-Hutchinson-Ross, Stroudsburg, MA.


                        21.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1977. Patterns of variation in wasps of the genus Therion (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). University of California       Publications in Entomology 82: 1-65.


                        22.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and J. Parrot. 1977. Seasonal diversity in aquatic insect communities in an all-year stream system. Hydrobiologia 52: 143-151.


                        23.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and J. T. Doyen. 1977. Effects of Ammophila arenaria on sand-dune arthropod communities. Ecology 58: 1171-1175.


                        24.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1978. Habitat use by coastal mimetic tenebrionid beetles. American Midland Naturalist 99: 45-57.


                        25.  Trune, D. R. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1978. Position of immatures in pallid bat clusters: a case of reciprocal altruism? Journal of Mammalogy 59: 193-195.


                        26.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1978. Experimental studies of predation on tenebrionid beetles by skunks. Behaviour 66: 313-322.


                        27.  Grim, J. N. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1978. On some surface aspects of the chorion of spider eggs. Pan-Pacific Entomologist 54: 319-322.


                        28.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and K. Wismann. 1978. Fluctuations in the measure of the subelytral chamber in desert tenebrionid beetles as a function of water content. Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science 13: 12-13.


                        29.  Johnson, C. D. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1979. Coevolution of Cassia (Leguminosae) and its seed beetle predators (Bruchidae). Environmental Entomology 8: 1046-1059.


                        30.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1979. Utilization of  harvester ant debris by tenebrionid beetles. Environmental Entomology 8: 770-772.


                        31.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and H. Spangler. 1979. Two types of sound production in Eupsophulus castaneus. Coleopterists Bulletin 33: 239-244.


                        32.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and R. Coast. 1980. Dialects in the alarm calls of prairie dogs. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 7: 49-53.


                        33.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and W. C. Schulz. 1980. Measures of niche overlap. Ecology 61: 1051-1055.


                        34.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and K. Wismann. 1981. A function of the subelytral chamber in tenebrionid beetles. Journal of Experimental Biology 90: 109-114.


                        35.  Whitham, T. W. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1981. Evolution of individuals, plant-herbivore interactions, and mosaics of genetic variability: the adaptive significance of somatic mutations in plants. Oecologia 49: 287-292.


                        36.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and J. N. Grim. 1982. Spider egg chorion sphere size and density. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 75: 330-334.


                        37.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1982. Book review: Biology of desert invertebrates. Science 217:424.


                        38.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1983. Why asexual reproduction?: variation in populations of the parthenogenetic wasp Venturia canescens. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 76: 23-29.


                        39.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1983. Water balance and temperature preferences, and their role in regulating activity times of tenebrionid beetles. Oikos 40: 113-119.


                        40.  Schulz, W. C. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1983. Stability in biological systems. Ecology 64: 606-607.


                        41.  Doyen, J. T. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1984. Evolution of microgeographic races without isolation in a coastal dune beetle. Journal of Biogeography 11: 13-25.


                        42.  Price, P. W., C. N. Slobodchikoff, and W. S. Gaud. 1984.  A new ecology. Wiley-Interscience.


                        43.  Price, P. W., W. S. Gaud, and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1984.  Introduction.  pp. 1-12. in: Price, P. W., C. N. Slobodchikoff, and W. S. Gaud, eds. A new ecology. Wiley-Interscience.


                        44.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1984.  Resources and the evolution of sociality. pp. 227-251. in: Price, P. W., C. N. Slobodchikoff, and W. S. Gaud, eds. A new ecology. Wiley-Interscience.


                        45.  Slobodchikoff, C. N., C. Fischer, and J. Shapiro. 1986. Predator-specific alarm calls of prairie dogs. American Zoologist 26: 557 (Abstract).


                        46.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1987. Aversive conditioning in a model-mimic system. Animal Behaviour 35: 75-80.


                        47.  Slobodchikoff, C. N., T. A. Vaughan, and R. Warner. 1987. How prey defenses affect a predator's net energetic profit. Journal of Mammalogy 68: 668-671.


                        48.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1988. The ecology of social behavior. Academic Press, N. Y.


                        49.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and W. M. Shields. 1988. Ecological tradeoffs in the ecology of social behavior. pp. 3-10. in: Slobodchikoff, C. N., ed. The ecology of social behavior. Academic Press, N.Y.


                        50.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. and W. S. Schulz. 1988. Cooperation, aggression, and the evolution of social behavior. pp. 13-32. in: Slobodchikoff, C. N., ed. The ecology of social behavior, Academic Press, N.Y.


                        51.  Hetz, M. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1988. Predation pressure in an imperfect mimicry system. Oecologia 76: 570-573.


                        52.  Shalaway, S. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1988. Seasonal change in the diet of prairie dogs.            Journal of Mammalogy 69: 835-841.


                        53.  Slobodchikoff, C. N., A. Robinson, and C. Schaack. 1988. Habitat use by Gunnison's prairie dogs. in: Habitat use and management of small mammals and amphibians. U. S. Forest Service, Washington, DC


                        54.  Hetz, M. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1990. Reproduction and the energy cost of defense in a Batesian mimicry complex. Oecologia 84: 69-73.


                        55. Slobodchikoff, C. N., J. Kiriazis, C. Fischer, and E. Creef. 1991. Semantic information distinguishing individual predators in the alarm calls of Gunnison's prairie dogs. Animal Behaviour 42: 713-719.


                        56. Travis, S. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1993. Effects of food resources on the social system of Gunnison's prairie dogs. Canadian Journal of Zoology 71: 1186-1192.


                        57.  Travis, S. E., C. N. Slobodchikoff, and P. Keim. 1995. Ecological and demographic effects on intraspecific variation in the social system of prairie dogs. Ecology 76: 1794-1803.


                        58.  Kiriazis, J. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1996. Anthropocentrism and the study of animal language. pp. 365-370. in: R. W. Mitchell, N. S. Thompson, and H. L. Miles, eds. Anthropomorphism, anecdotes, and animals. SUNY Press, Albany, NY.


                        59.  Travis, S. E., C. N. Slobodchikoff, and P. Keim. 1996.  Social assemblages and mating relationships in prairie dogs: a DNA fingerprint analysis. Behavioral Ecology 7: 95-100.


                        60.  Slobodchikoff, C. N. 1996. The language of prairie dogs, in: M. Tobias and K. B. Solisti, eds. Embracing the natural world. Beyond Words Publishing, Inc., Hillsboro, OR.



                        61.  Travis, S. E., C. N. Slobodchikoff, and P. Keim. 1997. DNA fingerprinting reveals low genetic diversity in Gunnison’s prairie dog. Journal of Mammalogy 78: 725-732.


                        62.  Slobodchikoff, C. N., S. H. Ackers, and M. Van Ert. 1998.  Geographical variation in prairie dog alarm calls.  Journal of Mammalogy 79:1265-1272.


                        63.  Ackers, S. H. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 1999. Communication of stimulus size and shape in alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs. Ethology 105:149-162.


                        64. Slobodchikoff, C. N. 2000. Feed-forward and the evolution of social systems. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23: 265-266.


                        65.Placer, J. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2000. A fuzzy-neural system for identification of species-specific alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs. Behavioural Processes 52: 1-9.


                        66. Bangert, R. K. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2000. The influence of Gunnison’s prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni Sciuridae) on the spatial structure of a high desert grassland landscape. Journal of Arid Environments 46: 357-369 .


                        67. Placer, J. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2001.Developing new metrics for the investigation  of animal vocalizations. International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 7:1-11.


                        68. Slobodchikoff, C. N. 2002. Cognition and communication in Gunnison’s prairie dogs. In: Bekoff, M., C. Allen, and G. Burghardt, eds. The Cognitive Animal, MIT Press.


                        69. Verdolin, J. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2002. Vigilance and predation risk in Gunnison’s prairie dogs. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80: 1197-1203.


                        70. Perla, B. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2002. Habitat structure and alarm call dialects in the Gunnison’s prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni). Behavioral Ecology 13:844-850.


                        71. Slobodchikoff, C. N. 2002. The language of prairie dogs. Plateau 6:30-38.


                        72. Slobodchikoff, C. N. 2003. Book Review: A. A. Ghazabsfar, ed. Primate Audition. Ethology.


                        73. Bangert, R. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2004. Prairie dog engineering indirectly affects beetle movement behavior. Journal of Arid Environments 56:83-94.



                        74. Slobodchikoff, C. N. 2004. Referential communication in prairie dogs. In: Bekoff, M., ed. Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, v 1. pp. 396-399, Greenwood Press, Westport CT.


                        75. Placer, J. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2004.  A method for identifying sounds used in alarm call classification. Behavioural Processes, 67: 87-98.


                        76. Dahlin, C. R., R. P. Balda, and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2005. Food, audience and sex effects on pinyon jay (Gynomrhinus cyanocephalus) communication. Behavioural Processes 68: 25-39.


                        77. Bangert, R. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2006. Conservation of prairie dog ecosystem engineering may support beta and gamma diversity. Journal of Arid Environments 67: 100-115.


                        78. Kiriazis, J. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2006. Perceptual specificity in the alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs. Behavioural Processes 73: 29-35.


                        79. Placer, J.,  C. N. Slobodchikoff, J. Burns, J. Placer, and R. Middleton . 2006. Using self-organizing maps to recognize acoustic units associated with information content in animal vocalizations. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119: 3140-3146.


                        80. Slobodchikoff, C. N. and J. Placer. 2006. Acoustic structures in the alarm calls of Gunnison’s prairie dogs. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 119: 3153-3160.


                        81. Slobodchikoff, C. N. 2006. The language of prairie dogs. pp. 63-73. in: Solisti, K. and M. Tobias, eds. Kinship with animals. Council Oak Books, San Francisco CA.


                        82. Frederiksen, J. K. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2007. Referential specificity in the alarm calls of the black-tailed prairie dog. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution 19: 87-99.


            83. Slobodchikoff, C. N. and J. L. Verdolin. 2007. Prairie dog-human interactions. in: Bekoff, M. ed. Encyclopedia of human animal interactions, 4: 1159-1162. Greenwood Press, Westport CT.

            84. Verdolin, J. L., Kara Lewis, and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2008. Morphology of burrow systems: A comparison of Gunnison’s (Cynomys gunnisoni), White-tailed (C. leucurus), Black-tailed (C. ludovicianus) and Utah (C. parvidens) prairie dogs.

                                    Southwestern Naturalist 53(2): 201-207.


                        85. Slobodchikoff, C. N., B. Perla and J. L. Verdolin. 2009. Prairie Dogs: Communication and Community in an Animal Society. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.


            86, Slobodchikoff, C. N., A. Paseka and J. L. Verdolin. 2009. Prairie dog alarm calls encode labels about predator colors. Animal Cognition 12: 435-439.


                        87. Verdolin, J. L. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2009.  Resources, not kinship, determine social patterning in the territorial Gunnison’s prairie dog (Cynomys gunnisoni) Ethology 115:59-69.



                        88. Verdolin, J. L. and C. N. Slobodchikoff. 2010. Male territoriality in a social sciurid, Cynomys gunnisoni: What do patterns of paternity tell us? Behaviour 147: 1145-1167.


                        89. Slobodchikoff, C. N. 2010. Alarm Calls In Birds And Mammals.  in M. Breed and J. Moore, Eds.  Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, v. 1, pp. 40-43. Oxford: Academic Press.