Loading up the coring equipment
 Mindy, Cody, David and Jordan at Lower Ohmer Lake campground
 Setting up the coring platform
 Setting up for bathymetric survey
 Darrell checking the core tube
 Cody preparing to glue the core tubes
 Platform and boat are ready for action
 Setting out for first core site at Lower Ohmer Lake
 Laying the achors
 Pounding the core into the lake bottom
 Mindy muscles in
 Hoisting the core tube out of the mud
 Mindy with cable puller (aka porkchop)
 David, Cody and Jordan stuggle to pull up a surface core
 Removing the excess core tube
 Preserved core top
 David chopping the long core for shipment
 Jordan examining the lake mud
 Launching the USGS boat at Skilak Lake
 Peter preparing to ferry the coring team across Skilak Lake
 Positioning the platform at Skilak Lake
 Platform in evening light
 Sunset at Skilak Lake
 Too windy to core today
 Pick up from Skilak Lake
 Hidden Lake - Bonus
 This year's haul: 500 lbs of mud
 Gear stowed for next year