NAU Biology BIO 326
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BIO326 : Ecosystem : Ecosystem Patterns : Review Questions

Ecosystem Patterns: Review Questions

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DUE: 5-May-2000. Work sent after this date will receive a grade of zero.
1. At the beginning of the semester, we saw that nitrogen was hypothesized to be the primary limiting factor in terrestrial ecosystems. What evidence does Ricklefs present in the textbook that supports this hypothesis?

2. In describing Lotka's ecosystem model, Ricklefs shows that the sizes of the three compartments are in the relative proportions of the inverses of their transfer rates. Why is the condition of steady state essential to this relationship?

3. Does Ricklefs feel that human population growth is incompatible with ecological principles? Explain.

4. What are the five greenhouse gases and what have been the changes in their contributions to the warming power of the atmosphere in the past forty years?

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