Managing Customer Service

Research Links
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Links to Customer Service Research

  • Study on American workers feeling overhwhelmed (Families and Work Institute)
  • Research on Amercian customer satisfaction (University of Michigan Business School)
  • Feedback from upset service professionals (
  • Feedback from upset customers (
  • An online  opinion research company that allows you to tell it like it is (
  • A comprehensive study on the impact of employee turnover on customer satisfaction (Unifi Network and Roper Starch Worldwide)
  • Have your service employees take an emotional intelligence test
  • Impact of employee turnover on bottom line based on a study conducted by Sibson & Company
  • Consumers prefer companies with strong corporate values
  • Guide to calculating the cost of service professional  turnover in your organization
  • How resilient are your employees?  Take a resiliency quiz
  • How Siebel is empowering customer-facing employees through technology
  • Example of an Internet-based appointment system
  • Information about cyberservice agents
  • Components of an ethics-training program by Robert Giacalone
  • Software for complaint tracking and resolution
  • Pew Charitable Trust report on rudeness in America
  • Take the honesty test
  • How and Why to Research Word of Mouth
  • Have your service professionals complete this survey to determine if they are suffering from burnout

  • MCS 100 - Managing Customer Service

    Send E-mail to Galen Collins at
    or call (928)523-7333