Module 7

Managing Customer Service

Module 7
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Customer Service Journal

To successfully complete this module, please complete the following activities in the order shown. You can complete the activities at your own pace.

TEXTBOOK READING: Chapter 7, Overcoming the Customer Service Syndrome: A Practical Guide to Managing Customer Service by Collins & Collins (2003).

ASSIGNMENT 7 (worth 50 points): The purpose of this assignment is to enhance your self-awareness and understanding of customer service issues and principles presented in the previous six modules. Each day, for the next 28 days, record your observations and reflections about customer services experiences. Write about experiences as a service provider and as a customer. Observe various customer service environments. This will enrich your learning experience. You can use the pages in chapter 7 to record your activities, reactions and responses to various encounters. Each page lists a suggested activity. At the end of this exercise, complete a four- to six-page paper summarizing your findings and how this information could make you a better service professional and manager. The paper should address 4 or 5 customer service situations. Send your response via Vista's private e-mail function.

FINAL EXAM (worth 100 points): This is found in Vista under quizzes, which is listed on the left menu bar.

Thank you for taking this course. You can now practice what you have learned!

MCS 100 - Managing Customer Service

Send E-mail to Galen Collins at
or call (928)523-7333