What did we learn from Y2K?

By Galen Collins

Computers have become ingrained in hospitality organizations, and the hospitality industry realized this even more in 1999 when preparing for Y2K problems. Fortunately, the meltdown predicted by doomsayers did not occur. However, what lessons can be gleaned from this experience?

  1. There were highly visible professional people who hyped this event as a potential human disaster in the making, showing little faith in information technology (IT) professionals. Congratulations to the programmers who made Y2K a nonevent. However, the fix for this simple error cost $100 billion due to fragmented, dated technologies. Many aging computer systems were discarded as well.
  2. Y2K is merely a symptom of the underlying quality problems in the IT world. There is a 25% total failure rate for software projects, primarily due to the high-tech workforce shortage. How long can this be tolerated? The auto industry only sought improvements in quality when the financial pain from higher quality and lower priced imports became too great.
  3. Y2K is just one example of a software defect. Most software programs are riddled with bugs. According to Mark Minasi, the author of The Software Conspiracy, 15% of all software makers regularly ship products without testing them. How long will it take the user community to demand better software and to refuse paying for flawed products or waiting for patches? Perhaps taking this issue head on will require a catastrophic event like the ones cited in Minasi’s book: "A seven-year old boy was killed by bad software in a Chevy truck in Alabama. More than 200 people on a flight to Guam were killed by bad software in an altitude-warning device. Twenty-eight Marines were killed when a missile lost track of time, again thanks to bad software."
  4. Hopefully, the Y2K dilemma has enlightened IT professionals to the value of system development and management, which addresses such things as standards, testing, version control, and a long-term view of the life cycle of system costs.

So where do we go from here? Y2K highlighted the fact that change is sorely needed. The academic community can help address the IT workforce shortage by supplying graduates with the hospitality information technology skill sets needed by the industry. The Department of Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management at the University of Delaware, for example, has recently developed a new Master of Science in Hospitality Information Management. The University of Nevada at Las Vegas, with input from HFTP (Hospitality Financial & Technology Professionals (www.hftp.org), also recently introduced a distance learning program leading to a Master of Hospitality Administration with a concentration in technology. From an industry perspective, software vendors and IT departments need to reevaluate their approach to software design and development, recognizing that quality, consistency, and usability are critical software attributes. Furthermore, those who have learned from Y2K will continuously improve their systems, rather than react to problems as they come along. Finally, Y2K should serve as a painful reminder of what can happen when any software defect is ignored or goes undetected.