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HA270 : The Class : Maintain Info Syst : protection

Maintaining & Protecting the Information System

"Society has made a very real commitment to computers. Whether it is good or bad, society has reached a point of no return in its dependence on computers. And stiff business competition means their use will continue to grow." Larry Long, Introduction to Computers and Information Processing

How important are computers to hospitality organizations? Turn the computer system off during a rush period and observe the consequences. Food orders cannot be printed in the kitchen. Reservations cannot be made. Guests cannot be be registered or checked out. Charges cannot be posted to guest folios or restaurant checks. Computers can deliver a paralyzing blow when they stop functioning.

This module describes tools and techniques to help manage hospitality computer systems effectively. You will learn about how to prevent computer system failure and to optimize hardware performance and common computer security threats and measures.

This module is divided into three topical areas:
  1. Causes of System Failure
  2. Backup Techniques and Strategies
  3. Computer Security Measures

The lesson objectives for this module are for you to:
  1. Understand the importance of computers to hospitality operations.
  2. Identify common causes of system failure.
  3. Understand how to prevent computer system failure and how to optimize hardware performance.
  4. Learn about backup strategies.
  5. Identify common computer security threats and measures.

Once you have completed this module, you should:

Go on to Software: The Essence of Computers
Go back to Hospitality Information Technology II

Send E-mail to Galen Collins
or call (928) 523-7333


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