Usability Evaluation of a Property Management System: An Example


By Galen Collins



            Rubin (1994) points out that the test plan is the foundation for the entire evaluation because it addresses the how, when, where, why, and what of the usability test. Following is the test plan that was used for conducting the usability test of a first-generation, Windows-based property management system (PMS). The plan covered the following sections (Rubin, 1994):

            · Purpose.

            · Problem statements.

            · User profile.

            · Methodology

            · Task list.

            · Test environment and equipment requirements.

            · Test monitor role.

            · Evaluation measures.

            ·Test report and findings and recommendations.



            The purpose of the test was twofold:

1. To predict the expected performance of naive, novice and competent/expert reservationists using the system to input and modify reservation data and to access reservation related information

2. To collect data on difficulties incurred and attitudes of users and to determine how to refine future product releases.


Problem Statements

            The specific questions that needed to be answered:

            1. After a 40-minute training session, were users able to successfully complete reservation transactions and access reservation related information in a timely manner?

            2. Did users find the program easy to use?


User Profile

A total of three participants were tested during April, 2000 at the Inn at Northern Arizona University, which has been using the Windows-based PMS for the past 16 months. Figure 1 shows the user profile of those who participated in the testing process. 

            The participants selected represented the types of employees who might be hired into reservationist positions. According to Shneiderman (1980), to operate a computer, a person needs two kinds of knowledge - a general knowledge of how a computer system works (semantic knowledge) and the specific knowledge needed to operate a particular system (syntactic knowledge).  Hospitality employees have different levels of computer-related knowledge. Some who have very little or no syntactic or semantic knowledge are classified as naive users.  Novice users may have some computer experience on personal computers or other PMS systems but they lack the syntactic knowledge of how a particular system works.  Finally, competent/expert users have both the syntactic and semantic knowledge needed.  For the purposes of this evaluation, a participant was selected to represent each of the aforementioned user classifications.

1. User 1. This naive user has recent and limited Windows experience with no hospitality-related computer experience.

            2. User 2. This novice user has experience with central reservations systems but none with the PMS.

            3. User 3. This competent/expert user has extensive experience with the PMS.




Frequency Distribution

Windows (GUI) Experience

6 months - 6 years

67% greater than 5 years

33 % less than 6 months

Hospitality Experience

0 -20 years

33% 20 years

33% 13 years

33 % No Experience 33%

Experience with PMS

0 - 7 years

67% have never used MSI

33% have 7+ years experience    using MSI

Education Level

High School


100 %  high school diploma

 33 %   college degree

 67%    some college experience


28 - 53

67% 28-45

33%  50+

Learning Style Preference

Read/Write - Aural

67% Read/Write

33% Aural



33% Male


Figure 1. User Profile of Participants



            The usability test was designed to gather usability data via direct observation (see Appendix C for data collection instrument). After the performance test, participants were asked to complete a user satisfaction survey. Most of the survey questions were primarily derived from the Questionnaire for User Interaction Satisfaction (QUIS) developed by Shneiderman and refined by Norman Chin (see Appendix A).  The usability test consisted of four steps:

            1. Participant greeting. Each participant, greeted by the test monitor, was made to feel comfortable and relaxed. 

            2. Orientation and training.  Prior to the test the participants received a short introduction, explaining the test’s purpose and objective. The also learned that a satisfaction survey would be administered after all of tasks were completed or the time had expired. The participants were informed that the test monitor would be observing them.  They were encouraged to think aloud while performing the tasks to help them to focus and to concentrate as well as to express their feelings (e.g., confusion, frustration, delight, etc.). Each participant received up to 40 minutes of training (show, do, and tell) prior to the test. 

            3. Performance test.  After the training was complete, participants were asked to complete seven tasks, each of which had upper time limits. See Appendix B for task list.

            · Task 1. Make a reservation for a guest based on the following data: name: Galen Collins, arrival date: 10/04/00, departure date:10/05/00, market/package: rack rate, adults: 2, child: 1, room type: 2 queen beds, reservation source: telephone, guarantee: American Express:- 372795231002000, information: need one bed board, business address: NAU BOX 5638, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, arrival: 1:00 PM, flite number: 1148, phone number: 928-523-7333,  and e-mail address:

· Task 2. Modify the reservation by changing the arrival date to 10/02/00.

· Task 3. Cancel the reservation.

· Task 4. Identify the percentage of rooms available for sale today and tomorrow.

· Task 5. Identify room types that are sold out for the next seven days, beginning with today.

· Task 6. Identify rooms undergoing maintenance on 05/13/00.

· Task 7. Identify expected arrivals for 05/12/00- 05/13/00.

4. Participant debriefing. After all tasks were completed or the time had expired, each participant was debriefed by the test monitor. This included the completion of a questionnaire pertaining to the participant's subjective perceptions of program usability and the participant's overall comments about his or her performance. 


Test Environment

            Located in the general manager's office at the Inn at NAU, the workstation was used for the performance test.  It was in a quiet area and was connected to the PMS network, providing participants with the necessary access to the tasks on the task list. Because the participants were using a 'live" system, the test focused on tasks that did not interfere with the Inn’s daily operation.


Evaluation Measures

            The following evaluation measures were collected and calculated:

            1. The average time to complete the task.

            2. The percentage of participants who finished each task successfully.

            3. Error classification: to the degree possible, each error was classified and a source of error indicated.  Error classifications were as follows:

                · Observations and comments - The test monitor noted when a participant

                    had difficulty, when an unusual behavior occurred, or when a cause of error

                    became obvious.

                · Noncritical  error. An individual participant who made a mistake was

                   able to recover during the task in the allotted time.

                · Critical  errors. An individual participant who made a mistake and was                        unable to recover and complete the task on time.

            4. Participant rankings of usability. Some questions were open-ended questions, rather than rankings.


Test Monitor

            The person acting as the test monitor sat in the office while each participant performed the tasks. This person also provided the training preceding the performance test. The monitor did not help the participants unless a question about the test procedures arose.


Test Report

            In this final section, the results, findings, and recommendations are all discussed.  This section begins with a summary of the performance and survey data.

            Task Timings.  Below in Figure 2 is the average time required by all participants to complete each task.




Average Time to Complete (in min.)

Median Time to Complete (in min.)


(in minutes)


(in min.)

1. Make a reservation



2  - 5.9


2. Modify a reservation



.75 -1.90


3. Cancel a reservation



.33 - .87


4. Identify percentage of rooms sold



.58 - 1.50


5. Identify rooms sold over next seven days



.62 - .75


6. Identify rooms undergoing maintenance



1.0 - 1.0


7. Identify expected arrivals



.32 – 1.50


Figure 2.  Task Timings


Error Types. Below in Figure 3 denotes the number of errors committed while performing each task along with a brief description of the error. No critical errors were encountered.



Noncritical Errors


1.      Initially placed phone number in business address (software error). Had to reinput in guest address field, although it was business-related reservation.

2.      Initially inputted incorrect credit card information.

3.      Initially put airline information in wrong field.

4.      Initially clicked on wrong field (room type and not arrow) to select room type. Took several times before identifying the correct item.

5.      Initially selected wrong year for reservation by clicking on “>>” as opposed to one “>.”


1.      Initially selected wrong menu choice.

2.      Initially clicked on “search” rather than “OK” to pull up reservation.

3.      Initially put in the arrival date in the wrong format.

4.      When using the calendar, highlighted the wrong departure date. When staying two nights, three dates must be highlighted.  The user highlighted two.


No errors encountered.


Initially selected wrong menu choice twice.


No errors encountered.


Two users initially selected the start date to identify rooms undergoing maintenance for a particular date. This feature does not work (software error).


Initially entered incorrect ending date for the guest arrival list.

Figure 3.  Listing of noncritical errors.


Observations of Users/User Comments. Below is a discussion on the comments and observations recorded by the test monitor.

When making a reservation, the tabbing was inconsistent.  For example, the rate field (market/package) is the fourth field listed horizontally but the second field requiring information. The default field for rates is rarely used.  Another example is the zip code.  This appears after the state and city fields, which if entered first, would automatically populate these fields. Users also experienced some difficulty in keeping track of the blinking cursor.

 The system was slow in responding to user requests. The drop-down boxes were helpful.  One user felt that the credit card number field should be split into separate fields based on the grouping of numbers to reduce errors. One user felt that making a reservation would be more expedient by incorporating the rate quoter screen (an option found in the main menu) into the "making a reservation" selection, because its focus is immediately on availability and the total cost of the stay.  Furthermore, once the data is entered into this screen, it then prefills the reservation screen when the "book reservation" option is selected. 

The test monitor looked at the "rate quoter" screen and found that it did not calculate estimated cost of a total stay (software error). It was not clear what data had to be entered (mandatory data fields were not yellow like in the reservation screen) or what button (there are 10 buttons on this screen) to click on to calculate availability and rate costs.  Users occasionally were not sure what buttons to click on in other parts of the program and whether it was a single or double click.

            One user was confused by the field descriptions (e.g., mkt/pkg and source). She attempted to click on “help”, which was not context sensitive and, therefore, not useful.

Users commented on the use of color particularly in the room availability tables, where red, purple, yellow, and blue text and numbers were against a green background.

Survey results. Below is a summary of the survey results. Item evaluation was based on a Likert rating scale using a range of numerical values (1 lowest, 9 highest) to indicate the degree of user satisfaction.



User Interaction Satisfaction


Item Evaluated

Evaluation  Rating  Scale

Avg. Rating

1. Screen text

Hard to read                       easy to read

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


2. Use of color

Distracting                          helpful

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


3. Tasks (menu choices/commands)

Hard to locate                     easy to locate

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


4. Field descriptions  (e.g., guest name)

Confusing                           clear

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


5. Task  descriptions (e.g., make a reservation)

Confusing                            clear

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


6. Terminology

Unfamiliar                            appropriate

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


7. Sequence of screens when executing a task

Confusing                             clear

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


8. Tasks can be completed easily

 Never                                    always

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


9. Computer keeps you informed of where you are and what you are doing

 Never                                    always

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


10. Remembering what to enter into data fields

 Difficult                                easy

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


11. System speed

too slow                                 fast enough

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


12. Screen layouts were helpful

Never                                    always

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


13. Amount of information presented on each screen

too little                               adequate

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


14. Amount of information presented on each  screen

too much                             adequate

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


15.  Similar information consistently placed

Never                                   always

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


16.  Adequate feedback after completing a task or when an error is incurred

Never                                   always

         1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


17. You feel in control of the system

 Never                                 always

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


18.  Program  navigation

Difficult                              easy

          1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


19. Online help

Unhelpful                             helpful

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


20. Overall reaction to system

Difficult                               easy

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


* This checklist was based on information from several sources (Galitz, 1997, Rubin, 1994, Shneiderman, 1998).


            Below are the responses to the open-ended questions on the survey.

1. What part of the PMS program did you like best? Least?

· "Calendars were easy to access and select."

· "Graphs were colorful and gave relevant information."

· "You can not check room availability from the reservation screen."

· "Terminology is easy to understand."

· "Too many redundant commands."

· "Easy to make and modify a reservation."

2. Please describe your first reactions to it.

· "Color combinations hard on the eyes. The dark green, red, and yellow difficult to view." Suggest pastel colors.

· "Font size could be larger."

· "Windows is great!"

· "At first, I was not sure if I could do it. After I got started, it was fun."

3.  What kinds of problems did you experience using this product?

· "I got stuck when I checked dates that were not available and then tried to check alternate dates."

· "Having an employee log on to the system at the beginning of the shift requires additional terminals for tracking individual performance. This poses a security risk."

· "Just trying to remember steps."

4. What product improvements would you recommend?

· "Consistent tabbing function. It was not consistent."

· "Security and elimination of redundant fields."

· "Trying to click on room type in the reservation screen."

5. Would you recommend this program to others?

· "It's OK but it would take a while to train someone."

· "Yes."

· " Yes."

6. Did the organization of the screens match real-world tasks?

·"The rooms blocked screen was awkward to read. Some information gathered does not flow smoothly."

· "No! The reservation process needs to be reevaluated."

7. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this program?

· " Phone numbers not accepted on business screen."

· "Computer response should be faster."

· "The fonts are too small."

· "The color scheme needs to be changed (green, on a forest green is hard on the eyes).

· "The help screen needs to be expanded."

· "The screens are crowded, most screens have redundant fields.

· "Enjoyed training and would like to work with this program if I had the opportunity."


Findings and Recommendations

            All of the users successfully completed the reservation tasks within the upper time limits, suggesting that any user with adequate training can use this program within a relatively short time frame.  As denoted in the observations, comments and survey results (average score of 6.33 for overall perceived ease of use), users generally were comfortable with the Windows-based PMS. The expert user stated that this system is much easier to use and learn than its predecessor, a DOS-based PMS.  DOS-based PMSs are being replaced rapidly with Windows, a graphical user interface, because it provides a more intuitive interface (Collins and Malik, 1999).

            While the expert user was able to complete a reservation in two minutes, the other two participants took over five minutes to do so.  Three minutes per reservation is typically the ideal time for achieving targeted booking confirmation rates, while maintaining an acceptable labor cost per call.  Because most hospitality employees will be naive or novice users due to the high turnover rate and shortage of skilled workers, performance targets could be achieved more quickly by providing both an online tutorial and help function and by reengineering some of the screen designs as well as  layouts and tasks.   

            Online tutorial and help facility. According to Shneiderman (1998), first-time users of a software package need an interactive tutorial environment using the actual PMS.  Shneiderman (1998) contends that this enables new users to work alone at an individual pace, to practice the skills they need to use the system in a non-threatening environment, and to eliminate the distraction of shifting between the workstation and the instructional material.

While the system has an online help facility, it did not provide context-sensitive help. According to Galitz (1997), contextual help provides information within the context of the task being performed, or about the specific object being operated on.  One study has shown that context-sensitive help improves the efficacy of online help facilities (Magers, 1983).

Tasks.  The users pointed out that there is redundancy in task selections from the main menu (can use rate quoter, 7-day availability, or make reservation to initiate the booking of a reservation) and within individual screens (can select three ways to select dates for identifying rooms that are undergoing maintenance).  While there may be some value in providing more than one way of executing a task or subtask, it clutters the screen and may confuse the user. Although the users felt the information presented within screen was adequate (not too much, 7.00, too little 8.33), the test monitor observed them having difficulty in selecting command buttons (e.g., room blocking menu) in some of the screens. This was because of the large number of choices and varying location of these buttons and/or the presence of other screen information not needed to complete the task.  Consequently, the execution of a specific task can be aided by limiting the number of screen commands, by using easily identifiable command buttons (e.g., enter search date in room block screen and click on OK to retrieve information), and by locating them in a place consistent in other screens.  This enables the user to more quickly spot the appropriate command or choice. It also prevents the user from becoming overwhelmed with too many choices. Information that is irrelevant to the task should also be eliminated. No more than 25 percent of the screen display should be covered with information (Danchak, 1976), which has not been completely achieved in the PMS. Simplicity, clarity, and understandability are the desired outcomes in all screens (Galitz, 1989). 

            Tasks should be grouped according to their sequence, frequency, function, and importance of use (Galitz, 1997).  According to the expert user, the rate quoter selection is rarely used in the main menu. Consequently, the number of main menu items could be reduced to five or six items based on importance and listed from top to bottom in terms of usage.  Furthermore, the sequence of screens/tasks, which received an average score of 4.66 for perceived clarity, could be reorganized to better match the real-world task of reservations processing.  For example, it might make more sense to eliminate the rate quoter selection from the main menu and to include a scaled down version as the first step in the task of "making a reservation."

Data fields and ordering.  The order of the data fields does not match the sequence of actions in the reservation screen.  Furthermore, some of the more frequently used data fields are located at the bottom of the screen, including a mandatory field (telephone number). According to Galitz (1997), locate frequently used fields in the top half of the screen, starting with the left corner.  Another measure to reduce keystrokes would be to list the zip code field first to automatically populate the city and state date fields.

To reduce errors in entering credit card information, separate the “hold” data field into groups of numbers because people are better at handling chunks of information.  Incorporating separators also permits much easier visual checking of the data keyed within that field (Galitz, 1989).

One user suggested that auto skip would also expedite data input. This would only be useful, however, if all screen fields are completely filled. Manual tabbing typically results in keying that is faster and less error prone (Galitz, 1997).  Using color to highlight the data field where the cursor is located, as suggested by one of the participants, may help the user to more quickly identify where to enter data.

In the rate quoter screen, for example, after entering data it is not obvious what button to click on or what data fields need to be filled for executing the task. Coloring or highlighting mandatory fields – like in the reservation screen – and listing them in a logical order would great enhance the usability of this screen 

Most of the field descriptions are self explanatory as reflected in the high average score (8.67) for field descriptions, although the test monitor observed users struggling with several data field descriptions (e.g., Mkt/Pkg, and Room Types). Renaming these fields or providing an online, context-sensitive help function would resolve this problem, especially for naïve and novice users.

Color. The use of color (average score of 5.33) in some of the tables (e.g. red on green) made them difficult to read. Poor color combinations can impair the system’s usability and lead to slower reading and visual fatigue.  Furthermore, approximately eight percent of North American and European users have some degree of color deficiency in their vision. The most common deficiency is red-green blindness (Shneiderman, 1998).  Some of the screens in the MSI PMS do not consider the needs of color-deficient users.

Font Size.  The participants found the screen text (average score of 5.33) somewhat difficult to read because of the font size.  However, the program did use the recommended size conventions for text (10-point). Readability may have been negatively affected by a perceived lack of visual lines. The eye should be guided vertically or horizontally through the screen with the use of white space and control alignments. This will prevent unfettered wandering of the eye (Galitz, 1997). 

Sense of place.  The participants felt somewhat uncomfortable about the program keeping them informed of where they were and what they were doing (average score of 4.66), even though each screen has a title. This may be due to the size of the screen title and that it consists of a mixture of lower and uppercase letters (10-point). Galitz (1997) points out that all screen titles should have only upper case letters because capitalization sets them apart from other screen components.  Increasing the point size of the screen titles would also provide them with greater visibility.

            Response time. The participants complained of the frequent sluggishness of the program. When the system's response to a request was greater than 10 seconds, the participants unfamiliar with the program became slightly anxious hindering their productivity. Most users prefer rapid interactions (Shneiderman, 1998). 




Collins, G. Mailk, T. (1999) . Hospitality information technology: Learning how to use it.

    Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.


Danchak, M. M. (1976) . CRT displays for power plants. Instrumentation

    Technology, 23 (10), 27-32.


Galitz, W. O (1989) . Handbook of screen format design. Wellesley, MA:

    QED Information Sciences, Inc.


Galitz, W. O (1997) . The essential guide to user interface design: An introduction

    to GUI design principles and techniques.  New York, NY: John Wiley

    and Sons, Inc.


Magers, C. S. (1983) . An experimental evaluation of online help for

    Non-programmers.CHI' 83 conference proceedings: Human factors in computing

    systems,  New York: ACM, 277-281.


Rubin, J (1994) . Handbook of usability testing: How to plan, design, and conduct

    effective tests. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Shneiderman, B. (1980) . Software psychology.  Cambridge, MA: Winthrop.


Shneiderman, B. (1998) . Designing the user interface. Reading, MA: Addison-




Item Evaluated

Evaluation  Rating  Scale


1. Screen text

hard to read                       easy to read

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


2. Use of color

distracting                          helpful

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


3. Tasks (menu choices/commands)

hard to locate                     easy to locate

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


4. Field descriptions  (e.g., guest name)

confusing                           clear

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


5. Task  descriptions (e.g., make a reservation)

confusing                            clear

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


6. Terminology

unfamiliar                            appropriate

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


7. Sequence of screens when executing a task

confusing                             clear

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


8. Tasks can be completed easily

 never                                    always

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


9. Computer keeps you informed of where you are and what you are doing

 never                                    always

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


10. Remembering what to enter into data fields

 difficult                                easy

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


11. System speed

too slow                                 fast enough

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


12. Screen layouts were helpful

never                                    always

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


13. Amount of information presented on each screen

too little                               adequate

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


14. Amount of information presented on each  screen

too much                             adequate

            1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


15.  Similar information consistently placed

never                                   always

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


16.  Adequate feedback after completing a task or when an error is incurred

never                                   always

         1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


17. You feel in control of the system

 never                                 always

           1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


18.  Program  navigation

difficult                              easy

          1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


19. Online help

unhelpful                             helpful

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


20. Overall reaction to system

difficult                               easy

             1   2   3    4  5  6   7  8   9


* This checklist was based on information from several sources (Galitz, 1997, Rubin, 1994, Shneiderman, 1998).






1. What parts of the PMS program did you like best? Least?





2. Please describe your first reactions to it?





3. What kinds of problems did you experience using this product?





4. What product improvements would you recommend?





5. Would you recommend this program to others?





6.      Did the organization of the screens match real-world tasks?





7. Is there anything else you would like to tell me about this program?








Task Description

Task Detail


Select reservation task.

REQ[2]: Click on "make a reservation" from main menu.

SCC[3]: Accessed reservation screen.


Enter Reservation data.

REQ: Participant must enter the reservation data in the fields and click on "save."

SCC: Generated confirmation ID. 


Go back to main menu.

REQ: Click on "close."

SCC: Accessed main menu.





Task Description

Task Detail


Retrieve reservation.

REQ: Click on "retrieve" from main menu.

SCC: Accessed "guest information" screen.


Enter name and arrival date

(Collins, Galen & October 4, 2000).

REQ: Participant must enter name and date into data fields and click on "search."

SCC: Accessed Collins' reservation.


Change arrival date to 10/02/2000.

REQ: Change arrival date to 10/02/2000 and click on "save."

SCC: Reservation modified.


Go back to main menu.

REQ: Click on "close."

SCC: Accessed main menu.





Task Description

Task Detail


Retrieve reservation.

REQ: Click on "retrieve" from main menu.

SCC: Accessed "guest information" screen.


Enter name and arrival date

(Collins, Galen & October 2, 2000).

REQ: Participant must enter name and date into data fields and click on "search."

SCC: Accessed Collins' reservation.


Cancel reservation.

REQ: Participant must click on "cancel"and answer "yes."

SCC: Generated cancellation ID.


Go back to main menu.

REQ: Click on "close."

SCC: Accessed main menu.




Task Description

Task Detail


Access 1-day availability for today.

REQ: Click on "1-day availability" from main screen.

SCC: Accessed  "1-day availability" screen.


Access 1-day availability % for today. 

REQ: Click on "house view chart."

SCC: Generated pie chart with availability statistics for today.


Access 1-day availability % or tomorrow.

REQ: Click on "house view chart."

SCC: Generated pie chart with availability statistics for tomorrow. .


Go back to main menu.

REQ: Click on "close."

SCC: Accessed main menu.





Task Description

Task Detail


Access 7-day availability for today.

REQ: Click on "7-day availability" from main screen.

SCC: Accessed  "7-day availability" screen.


Identify room types that are sold out for each day.

REQ: View the room availability table.

SCC: Identified room types that are sold out for each day.


Go back to main menu.

REQ: Click on "close."

SCC: Accessed main menu.






Task Description

Task Detail


Access reports

REQ: Click on "reports," then "reservations," and then "room blocking."

SCC: Accessed  "room blocking at a glance" screen.


Access what room are undergoing maintenance beginning on May 5th.

REQ: Click on "May 5th" and scroll down to identify room numbers undergoing maintenance.

SCC: Identified room numbers undergoing maintenance.


Go back to main menu.

REQ: Click on "close."

SCC: Accessed main menu.







Task Description

Task Detail


Access reports

REQ: Click on "reports," then "reservations," and then "guest name list."

SCC: Accessed "guest name list criteria" screen.


Access reservations records for guests arriving on May 12th and 13th

REQ: Change date to 05/12/2000-05/13/2000 and click on "retrieve."

SCC: Accessed reservation records and click on "close."


Go back to main menu.

REQ: Click on "close."

SCC: Accessed main menu.








Page ____ of ______

Task # ___

Elapsed Time



Start Time:



End Time:































































































1.      A - Completed task successfully within time allotment

2.      F -  Did not complete task.

3.      R - Made a mistake but was able to recover from the error to successfully complete the task (noncritical error).

4.      E - Made a mistake and was unable to recover from the error (critical error).


[1] MTC: Maximum time to complete task

[2] REQ: Requirements to perform the task

[3] SCC: Successful Completion criteria