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HA270 : The Class : Information System : System

The Information System

"The most valuable commodity I know of is information. Would't you agree?" Gordon Gekko, the character played by Michael Douglas in the film Wall Street

A change is occurring in who uses computers. In the past, computers were used by only a few people. They were mainly technical specialists, professionals, and managers. Today, however, advancements in technology has moved intelligence to the front line of most organizations, where the action is. Consequently, the number of users has grown dramatically and they want to shape and control the use of technology in their organizations. They understand that the effective use of technology will determine their personal and organizational success. They have become the leaders of the computer revolution that is altering the old ways of organizational computing.

This module provides an introduction to computerized information processing and how it is used to empower an organization. The student learns about the roles and responsibilities of an information system manager at the property level.

This module is divided into three topical areas:
  1. Introduction to Computers
  2. Computerized Information Processing
  3. The Information System Manager

The lesson objectives for this module are for you to:
  1. Understand the process of converting data into information.
  2. Define basic computer terms.
  3. Understand the difference between data and information.
  4. Learn about the four phases of an information system.
  5. Understand the operational capabilities of a computer system
  6. Understand the impact of technology on information processing.
  7. Identify ways to appropriately organize information.
  8. Understand the concept of data mining.
  9. Identify factors that impact information distribution.
  10. Learn about executive information systems.
  11. Describe the role and responsibilities of an information system manager at the property level.
  12. Identify the three basic types of computer systems.
  13. Understand how an information system is managed within a hospitality organization.
  14. Recognize the characteristics of a well-managed system.

Once you have completed this module, you should:

Go on to Maintaining and Protecting the Information System
Go back to Hospitality Information Technology II

Send E-mail to Galen Collins
or call (928) 523-7333


Copyright 1998 Northern Arizona University