HA 270 Assignment

Instructions: Please read the article on page 391 entitled "Marketing Hospitality Web Sites." After reading the article, answer the following questions. Please submit your answers via Vista e-mail. Submit  your answers in a word processing document. Place your answer (T or F) after the question number (e.g., 1. F).  Attach the answer sheet to your e-mail.


  1. "Most requested pages" indicates visitor satisfaction.

    Your answer:
    True  False (type in answer on word processing document and attach answer sheet to e-mail) 

  2. The top entry page is always the home page.
  3. Your answer:
    True False 

  4. A well-conceived linking scheme eliminates dead ends, eases navigation, and highlights the site's offerings.
  5. Your answer:
    True False

  6. When visitors encounter errors at a Web site, they may leave and never return.
  7. Your answer:
    True False

  8. The "top paths through site" statistic is helpful in spotting trends and bad pages.
  9. Your answer:
    True False

  10. It is not important to have road signs directing visitors to popular Web site areas.
  11. Your answer:
    True False

  12. Road signs that are not clear have no impact on visitor paths.
  13. Your answer:
    True False

  14. The push approach sends information to users.
  15. Your answer:
    True False

  16. The push technique is the best approach.
  17. Your answer:
    True False

  18. Every Web site needs an e-mail link for communicating with visitors.
  19. Your answer:
    True False

  20. An autoresponder is part of an e-mail management system.
  21. Your answer:
    True False

  22. Most Web sites respond to e-mail in a timely manner.
  23. Your answer:
    True False

  24. Converting visitors into loyal customers includes frequently updated information, a simple purchase process, timesaving self-service options and solid, one-to-one customer service.
  25. Your answer:
    True False

  26. Crawlers create most search engine databases.
  27. Your answer:
    True False

  28. One of the best ways to increase traffic to Web sites is through registering with various portals.
  29. Your answer:
    True  False

  30. A page title has little impact on a Web site's ranking.
  31. Your answer:
    True False

  32. All search engines reference meta tags.
  33. Your answer:
    True False

  34. "Hotel" is a good page title.
  35. Your answer:
    True False

  36. Luxury hotel is a thoughtful keyword combination (met tag)for a Hyatt resort.
  37. Your answer:
    True False

  38. AOL.com/members/~hilton is an example of an effective URL.
  39. Your answer:
    True False

  40. Some search engines have foreign language editions.
  41. Your answer:
    True False

  42. Use automation submission software to register the URL with all search engines.
  43. Your answer:
    True False

  44. Directories and guides provide more targeted results.
  45. Your answer:
    True False

  46. Creative approaches free and otherwise, to promoting a Web site include banner advertising, reciprocal links, e-mail, and classified ads.
  47. Your answer:
    True False

  48. It would make sense for a hotel to have a reciprocal link with an oil company.
  49. Your answer:
    True False

  50. A banner's life span is fairly long.
  51. Your answer:
    True False

  52. To improve a Resort's banner's click-through percentage, consider placing it on sites with diverse audiences.
  53. Your answer:
    True False

  54. E-mail signature files are of little value.
  55. Your answer:
    True False

  56. Increasing Web traffic involves a number of factors and more than just creating a wonderful Web site.
  57. Your answer:
    True False