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HA270 : Syllabus : HA 270


Instructor Information

Instructor: Galen Collins, Ph.D.
Office Location: Executive Director's Office
Office Hours: 2:00 - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday
Telephone: 928-523-7333
Mailing Address: NAU Box 5638, Flagstaff, AZ 86011
E-mail Address:


This course discusses the impact of computers and communications on the hospitality industry, describes basic functions found in property and restaurant management systems, and devotes a significant amount of time to learning industry-specific applications. Required text for course is Hospitality Information Technology: Learning How to Use It, Fifth Edition, by Collins/Cobaglu/Malik. Prerequisite: HA 170.


"Only the Curious will learn and only the resolute overcome the obstacles of learning. The quest quotient has always excited me more than the intelligence quotient." Eugene Wilson
  • To learn about data communications terminology, concepts, and principles.
  • To identify the appropriate network configurations and operational and communications applications for restaurant and hotel environments.
  • To describe the concept of connectivity and the benefits of integrating disparate hospitality systems.
  • To learn common property and restaurant management system functions, features, and architectures.
  • To gain significant hands-on training on industry-specific applications.
  • To assess the impact of industry-specific technologies on operational performance.
  • To learn Internet terminology, concepts, principles, and applications.
  • To identify the steps in selecting and implementing hospitality information systems.
  • To design a request for proposal and a hospitality-related Web site.



To fulfill the work experience or practical application requirement, you must complete one of the following options (Web-only students complete this through assignments 7 and 20):

Option 1: Complete one of the practical applications found at the end of chapters 6,7, or 8.

Option 2: Work an eight hour shift as a front office employee at the Inn at NAU or a lodging operation approved by the instructor. Through this experience, you will learn more about computerized front office, reservation, and electronic key systems.


The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain in-depth knowledge about four different technology applications. The learning objectives are:
  • To learn about existing and emerging technologies.
  • To understand how to use the technology to solve problems and/or create opportunities within a hospitality context.
  • To engender creative and analytical thinking in the application of technology to hospitality situations.


"Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom." Thomas Jefferson
  • Practical Application or Work Experience: This assignment is due no later than the first day of reading week and is worth 5% of your grade (This does not apply to Web-only students).
  • Term Paper: This is worth 18% of your grade and is divided into three assignments.
  • Assignments (written/review quizzes): These are found at the end of each module topic and are collectively worth 29% of your grade. You will not be completing all the assignments listed in each module. All test and required assignment due dates are posted on this page. Please check this page for your assignment and exam grades.
  • Exams: There will be three exams each worth 18% of your grade. These will be announced two weeks prior to the exam date. Exams will be based on reading and class assignments.
  • Grading Scale: A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% F= 0-59%
  • Integrity: There is no acceptable excuse for academic dishonesty. Should such a situation occur, the student will receive a "F" for the assignment and possibly the course.

Send E-mail to Galen Collins
or call (928) 523-7333

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