IEP critic Troy practice carrot Sherlock



You are now ready to take the examination for this module. It is open book.

Below you will find textboxes with a corresponding area of disability as defined by the Individuals with Disabilites Eduction Act. You will:

•  You will need to identify the nature of the disability.

•  Identify how it is likely to impact the student's ability to learn.

•  Add and a list of 3-5 assessments the student is likely to receive after review by the Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation team.

•  Discuss why each test would be chosen,

•  Explain who can administer it.

Don't forget to:

*****Discuss what the tests measures*****


1. Mental Retardation

2. Orthopedic Impairment

3. Emotional and Behavioral Disturbances

4. Traumatic Brain Injury

5. Hearing Impairment

6. Visual Impairment

7. Other Health Impairments

8. Autism

9. Learning Disabilites

10. Speech Impairments

11. Extra Credit: Gifted

12. Extra Credit: AD/HD

13. Extra Credit: At-Risk


Short answers are just that. Each of these questions could become an essay of excellent proportion.

Do not give into your propensity for expounding at length. Rather, hold your answers to an expectation of depth and succinctness rather than waxing eloquent.

Upon completion, send off responses to the professor, and with my help, you can expect a fine exploration of your insights and an adequate response in return.

Remember - Brevity is the sole of wit.


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Copyright © 2006 Martha Affeld