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ESE548 : The Class : Carrot Head : Linear Lou : Online Reading 2

Online Reading Assistive Technology

When we see a youngster scooting through the mall using a ball to power his wheelchair, we think of the value of assistive technology. It is really pretty amazing that we have so many things we can do, because of microchips. Some children may come to school with artificial limbs, an insulin pump, a voice synthesizer. We have gone from the notion of a Six Million Dollar Man as science fiction to amazing changes in our ability to improve the human condition with technology.

At the same time, it is important to note that Assistive Technology belongs to all of us. Last week we moved. I needed to help my daughter figure out where her clothes were in the new house. I took out the catalogue, cut out pieces of clothing and pasted them to the drawers. Immediately she could go to the right place and get dressed. She could also put her clothes away. This is assistive technology.

I decided to let the girls help with the washing. I made a chart. I illustrated

  • sorting clothes
  • how full to get the basket
  • a cup of soap
  • made a big red mark on the dial for Start
  • shutting the lid

Was that assistive technology? Was it an assistive device?

We are trying to help my son get ready to date. We decided he could use a few social graces. When he chews with his mouth open, I put my finger on my lips. When he takes a huge bite, I puff out my cheeks and when he leans his elbows on the table, I fold my arms. So far it is working very well. I think his next date will be impressed! Is that assistive technology?

Many people equate the term technology with advances in computers or advanced hardware.

The Commission on Instructional Technology states: Instructional technology is a systemic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives, based on research in human learning and communication, and employing a combination of human and nonhuman resources to bring about more effective instruction.

fire arrow Check some of the following links to learn differences between assistive devices and technology. It may help to prepare a personal definition of the two terms.

fire arrow You may want to make a folder containing information on assistive technology. Some of the links that follow may add depth to your knowledge base.

cheesy smile Remember, this is not for the professor, but for your own fascination and information.

The Archimedes Project Abledata site
Computer assistance for disabilities Alliance for Technology Assistance
Apple site University of Waterloo resource library
Ability site for supporting needs Alternatively Speaking
Community based rehabilitation - UN ADA - US Justice Department Homepage

..Remember to support and love the child and always keep the assistive devices secondary to the important thing - the abilities of the child. What is the most important function of assistive technology?


Once you have finished you should:

Go on to Online Reading 3
Go back to Linear Lou

E-mail J'Anne Affeld at

Course developed by J'Anne & Martha Affeld


Copyright © 2000 Northern Arizona University