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ESE548 : The Class : IEP She Wrote : Busy BJ

Busy BJ

BJ and IEPs

It can be difficult to develop and implement IEPs that really support a student's growth and fulfill the spirit of the law, not just get all the pieces right. Jason's special education experiences are unique to him, and our imaginary retired teacher, Julia, had lots of time to make a home visit, chat with parents and help Jason feel important and valuable.

3. Analyze legal responsibilities of schools, parents and students with respect to an IEP.
13. Knowledge of current issues and trends in special education and consultation/ collaboration
14. Demonstrate respect and sensitivity toward all individuals
15. Awareness of the technology role, including assistive technology, in the special education process.

Naturally, there are a number of methods you might use to demonstrate acquisition of these skills. The following list includes ways to attain this knowledge and evaluations to assess your progress in understanding the principles. Of course, your life and the work you do as a teacher will be the true evaluation of these principles.

Level of Competency

P = Prior knowledge from previous course
I = Introductory Awareness and initial knowledge
C = Competency You are able to discuss ideas from personal reference and in enough depth to provide examples during discussion or write a thorough essay including most major points
M = Mastery Understanding of the subject and ideas is so embedded that application of concepts and utilization of goals is second nature


Module Objective
Level of Competency
IDEA 97 and IEPs Introductory Summarize and critique
Responsibilities of all parties - school, parents, teachers, student during IEP Introductory On line readings, IEP critique and IEP chart
Honoring and understanding the role of parents Introductory Julia's questions
Honoring different cultures   Prologue ending, readings and ESL checklist

To complete this Topic successfully, do the on-line reading and then please complete four of the following activities. Choose things that will be meaningful to you and that will be fulfilling and enjoyable.

icon TEXTBOOK: Read the material in the Smith workbook, specifically Chapters 2 and 3, pp. 35-65

icon ON-LINE READING 1: Child Study Team

icon ASSIGNMENT 1: Spirit of IDEA '97 Memo

icon ON-LINE READING 2: Services

icon ASSIGNMENT 2: Steps of the IEP Process

icon ASSIGNMENT 3: Crossword Puzzle

icon ASSIGNMENT 4: An IEP for Dracula

icon ASSIGNMENT 5: Changes in the Education of Children with Special Needs in Dracula's Epoch

icon ASSIGNMENT 6: Help Julia!

icon ASSIGNMENT 7: Write your own Ending

icon ASSIGNMENT 8: A Newspaper Column

Once you have completed these activities you should:

Go on to: Caring Kit
Go back to IEP She Wrote

E-mail J'Anne Affeld at

Course developed by J'Anne & Martha Affeld


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