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Home : Behavioralist Module : Assignment 7

Behavior Project

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Assignment: Self Change

It is important to believe in change in education. Learning is a form of change. Each year, students enter new classrooms, greet new teachers and learn about what is expected. This happens to college students, too. They sign up for classes, read the syllabus, buy the required texts and settle in to complete a course of study.

This process requires change. Some of the changes are easy and the adapting takes place rather painlessly. Some of the changes are radical, so some students make the change, while others either drop out, protest, or keep trying to adapt.

When students come into your classroom, you will have rules, structure, expectations. What will you do if students cannot or will not change behaviors to meet your requirements? This is a fundamental question. How much right does a teacher have to force student change? How many of the changes will be for the child's good, for the good of the community, a reflection of cultural expectations, because it makes the teacher feel more at ease?

In this assignment, you will be involved in a brief single subject design. The subject is you. You will need to:

1) Choose a behavior you want to change.

2) Define the behavior in observable terms.

3) Make a baseline to record your current level of actions.

4) Collect baseline data on your behavior.

5) Attempt to change your behavior for two weeks, keeping a daily record - a chart - of your changes or lack of change.

6) At the end of the two weeks, you will report the following:


Behavior chosen and definition
Followed all the steps
Made and kept a base line chart
Made and kept daily charts for two weeks
Worked for two weeks to change the behavior
Was able to change the behavior to my specifications


7) Write a paragraph describing the experience of trying to alter your behavior.

8) Write a paragraph telling what this experience has taught you about expecting children to change.


Behavior Change Options
Adding a behavior
Stopping a behavior
Drink more water Stop drinking soda
Write to someone Fewer long distance calls
Drive within the speed limit Stop chewing nails
Use larger vocabulary Stop cursing
Exercise daily No more biting nails
Hang up clothes immediately Don't eat out so often
Get places on time No more or less smoking



Student states that all conditions were carried out and there are two paragraphs discussing personal change and what has been learned about asking children to change.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at

Course Created by J'Anne Ellsworth & Center for Technology Enhanced Learning

Copyright © 2001 Northern Arizona University

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