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Home : Humanistic Module : Assignment 3

Tool Gathering and Construct Building
for Pro-active Discipline

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the two options and choose the one you believe will support your growth as a pro-active teacher.
  2. Enter your response(s) in the space(s) provided
  3. Fill in your Name and Email address
  4. Send the Assignment

  5. Tally up 's for completion of this assignment.

There are two options here. You may choose the one that you feel will further your ideas.

Option One

Summary of Developmental Research Findings

Shared ownership is a foundational principle in humanistic education. In many classrooms the model for ownership is clearly teacher centered. The teacher is organizer, molder and holder of keys. In most of the classrooms the teacher ownership could include dynamics of subject centered or teacher centered, depending upon the format of information giving and evaluation, yet there is a definite awareness of the teacher as ultimately responsible and the true adult in the process.

The first hurdle to implementation tends to be justifications for rejection presented as the following belief statements.

The teacher:

  1. is the expert
  2. is responsible to the district
  3. has life experiences which are not part of the student vision
  4. can teach to enhance performance on national evaluations
  5. has a deeper knowledge of content and what should be taught and learned.

These are components of teaching and are only barriers if they are the sum total of the teaching role.

In addition, many teachers express concern about ăletting go of the reinsä with a belief that:

  1. once students are given such freedom they cannot be pulled back
  2. open rebellion may occur affecting learning
  3. student reasoning and social skills are too limited to maintain appropriate social behaviors
  4. teacher as fallible may mean students will not respect requests and thus wonât be as likely to attend to requirements
  5. respect and the acts of respect are a perk of the classroom teacher
  6. uncertainty of the outcome
  7. mechanisms and power bases that currently force a student to comply may be lost
  8. obedience is an important lesson and students should be subject to it
  9. work ethic will disappear
  10. students will not honestly self evaluate
  11. evaluation will become more subjective
  12. parents and society donât want this type of setting.
These concerns are very honorable. A laissez faire teaching setting is not good for youth and does not promote high achievement. Further, most of the teachers who established shared ownership of the learning community experienced a very difficult time learning to trust youth, learning to take the role of facilitator, finding new ways to help students give their best, letting ăgoä long enough to see that students are quite thrilled to be trusted, more apt to work than not, and that the work ethic increases in almost every instance with students feeling empowered. With the few students who are not yet ready to take responsibility for learning, who have not learned to set and stay with personal goals, the teacher has time and energy, as facilitator, to help these students learn new roles.

How can teachers adapt and to see productive outcomes from the expended energy of learning new roles and teaching students the necessary skills to be successful co-owners.

Assignment: Consider some of these ideas and issues. Share your ideas or experiences.


Option Two

There is a plethora of research on education. Most of it comes from monitoring the teaching point of view. Another large contributor to educational research comes from assessing scores and achievement.

Find five different research studies or articles about discipline techniques (ERIC may be a quick source). Look for evidence that feelings or ideas of students were included in the material. Write a one minute essay on the material you find, focusing on:

  • point of view - example 4/5 or 80% did not include student perspectives
  • general impression of educational success

Directions: Place your responses here. Feel free to send email to the professor to share your thoughts and to post ideas in the VCC.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at Janne.Ellsworth@nau.edu

Course Created by J'Anne Ellsworth & Center for Technology Enhanced Learning

Copyright © 2001 Northern Arizona University

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