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ESE502 : The Class : Balance : Balancing Discipline : Assignment3-5-1

Assignment 1: Classroom Observation

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Choose four of the classroom observation pages. Be certain that there is one for each of the areas of balance: teacher, student, content and discipline. Fill out the observation forms and then have a peer do the same in your classroom. Compare the two sets of observations. Write a paragraph about each chart made as a result of the observations. Write a brief essay about what is going well and what you might do to change the classroom environment. Include ways you honor yourself, and the ways you will celebrate success in enhancing your teaching and classroom environment.

Excellent: Complete at least four observation forms, addressing the four distinct areas of teaching, teacher role, student role, content and discipline. Obtain the help of a peer in doing the same kinds of evaluations and compare and contrast findings with one another. Reflect on those findings in writing, including, a thorough analysis of how the four areas interconnect and insights into ways that the balance can be enhanced. Complete the essay with an implementation plan that honors your strengths and provides for celebration and honoring each milestone in transcending your present teaching.
Acceptable: Complete at least four observation forms, addressing the four distinct areas of teaching, teacher role, student role, content and discipline. Reflect on those findings in writing, including, a thorough analysis of how the four areas interconnect and how balance can be enhanced. Complete the essay with an implementation plan.

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Course created by J'Anne Ellsworth


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