Supportive Discipline
There are two major thrusts in supportive discipline.
One involves the role and function of teacher, preparing, developing and implementing those things that will emphasize a pro-active demeanor and allow the teacher to function as a best self. Of course, this means valuing and pursuing self understanding. [Click on self understanding to send student back to self assessment module]. Supportive discipline provides recognition, development, and validation of many roles the teacher uses to enhance the classroom. Over time the art and science of teaching involves acquisition of a large repertoire of skills to fully utilize teaching / learning opportunities. Over time, it also includes sharing the honor and responsibility of teaching among all classroom participants.
The Second thrust includes preparing students to function fully and creatively in pursuing knowledge. It is crucial to assist students while they develop the DOING side of self, expertise in content based areas, the processes of learning, thinking, organizing, and reflecting. (Students are avid learners from birth, so we hone their skills, provide new areas of interest and fan the excitement of learning).
It is also critical to assist students in valuing and recognizing inherent individual and personal strength or BEING. This includes facilitating the recognition of identify and pursuit of self fulfillment and actualization. As students become balanced in pursuing personal strengths, skills and abilities, they can learn to work together to build social expertise. As social strengths grow, they can gain clarity about the importance of contributing to community, and later society.
This topic, supportive discipline, includes:
- a reading on process education
- sample ideas for process curriculum - developmentally keyed
- sample lesson plan for integrating process and product
- age appropriate lesson plans for enhancing process skills
- web search and VCC/chat suggestions
To complete this Topic successfully, please complete
the following activities in the order shown below:
ONLINE READING 1: Person Building
ONLINE READING 2: Teaching-Dances with Wills
ASSIGNMENT 1: Eassy: Process and Product Issues
ASSIGNMENT 2: Student Lessons
ASSIGNMENT 3: Capstone Lessons
ASSIGNMENT 4: Proactive Discipline Tools
FINAL: Proactive Discipline
You should now:
Go on to Topic 4: Process Curriculum
Go back to Module 6: Pro-active Management
E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at

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Northern Arizona University