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ESE504 : The Class : PEPSI : Building

'Building a PEPSI'

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Directions: A case study can be a powerful tool in working with a youngster. This is particularly so with youngsters who are having difficulty fitting into a school setting. This type of case study is especially useful for exploring and building understanding of a wide range of developmental patterns. It often contributes to a positive perspective of the student, for it looks at what the child is able to do, and offers opportunities to see what the next steps in development might be. This also helps in building an individual educational plan (IEP), since it offers concrete "next" steps in a child's progression.

In this assignment, you will develop a case study of a youngster, culminating in the preparation of a PEPSI on that student. A case study can be developed through working with a child, observing, interviewing family members and/or previous school personnel and faculty who have worked with the child. The case study can be global, including data about birth, childhood illnesses, family systems, a detailed time line of developmental milestones, cultural influences, friends and care givers.

With the current emphasis on inclusion, this type of case study can be very illuminating.

Please remember the basic philosophy involved in creating a PEPSI for a student:

Philosophical Understandings about Developmental Screening
1. The PEPSI assessment model is based on an humanistic philosophy, a belief in health and positive growth and maintains a human-centered focus.
2. It derives basic concepts from the research in developmental literature.
3. The screening procedure is informal, partially intuitive and instructive, with outcome viewed as a starting point for assisting in recognizing patterns of behavior and general levels of human growth.
4. The PEPSI model is not intended as a set of criteria for labeling or diagnosing in any setting or with any student.
5. The PEPSI is intended to be a flexible tool which can be adjusted to meet individual teacher needs.
6. Viewing the student through a PEPSI model may provide adult awareness of areas which can be strengthened and nourished in the youth.
7. Once a PEPSI is constructed for a student there may be a visible image of strengths, weaknesses and areas of developmental progress which can assist in production of an individual growth plan and which may be included in a student’s portfolio.
8. PEPSI can be a self help tool when taught to adolescent students to assist them in developing self awareness.


Review of steps in a PEPSI Screening

  1. Gather information about the student.
  2. Compare the youth's behaviors with the age charts supplied.
  3. Draw out a PEPSI chart for a "typical" age mate as in the example..
  4. Hatch in each area to illustrate the individual student's current profile.
  5. List strengths and weaknesses that are apparent from the profile.
  6. Review suggestion list for enhancing safety and increasing individual
    student growth options.

The PEPSI case study you do on your student may be focused, examining an area of concern such as language acquisition or emergence of a behavior issue, or global, developing a more panoramic view of the youth. Whether you choose a global or focused format, to complete the assignment, please do the following:

1. Review the article on how to develop a PEPSI on a child.

2. Identify a child(the name may be changed, but the process is much easier if you have a real child to assess).

3. Review the PEPSI charts for the chronological age of the child, and then also read charts at least one year previous to the student's age and a year beyond the birthday. If the student appears to have marked delays, review a number of years previous, to provide the best chance of finding the best identifiers.

4. Draw the five fields, and then draw a line to show the chronological age.

5. List four or five identifiers that fit the student in each of the PEPSI areas, and then mark in the level, at, above, or below the chronological age for each of the five developmental areas. (Note: When doing a large number of PEPSI's, it can be quite helpful to take the three charts that are closest to the student's actual or perceived age, circle the items that match the student, and then construct the PEPSI representation of the student's various levels of development, attaching the justification to the back rather than truing to write it all out on the graphic).

6. Once a picture emerges of the developmental ages, list strengths and areas to target for growth. These can provide a working document for establishing an IEP, if the student requires one.

7. List a plan of action, identifying specific plans for enhancing student development, balancing between building on strengths that are in evidence, and areas that are important for future growth.

Excellent Identifying justification for hatching on each of the five developmental areas. A list of strengths and areas of concern is presented and an action plan with at least two objectives for enhancement is included. Persons interviewed and developmental milestones noted is definitely a plus.
Good Chart is hatched, representing the students' age, with some identifying justification for hatching on each of the five developmental areas. At least one strength or area of concern is presented and an action plan is included.
Marginal Chart if present but few or no examples provided, may be missing sense of personalization or lack depth to show enhanced understanding of the student or may not address the assignment; misses the point.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in all of the areas above, click the Send the assignment button below to send the assignment to the instructor.


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E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at

PEPSI developed by J'Anne Ellsworth

Web site created by the NAU OTLE Faculty Studio


Copyright 1998 Northern Arizona University