A Catalogue of Your Own

In this assignment you will have the opportunity to not only research but create Assistive devices of your own. Most classrooms already have a few because kids are little, or can hurt themselves. Think for a moment about your own classrooms. Have you encountered any unique devices that made education more available to you?

1. First I want you to do a little shopping. Find ten items that you think you need for your classroom to ensure that kids with general special needs could really use to make it easier for them to learn.

Here is a site that might give you some ideas about what you might want or need:


Here are a couple of my favorite catalogue links:



Now that you are done eyeballing all of the goodies I bet you feel a little excited and a little shocked. Thsi stuff is crazy expensive!! I know, right!!

So how do you get these exciting products? Well that is the subject of the assignment.

2. I want you to be creative and devise your own assistive devices that will perform the same functions as the ten you selected without a showdown with the district.

When you are down cut and paste your list of ten as well as your substitutions in the box below and send them to me!

1. Type in 10 devices you feel every classroom should have.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.