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ESE548 : The Class : Sherlock Roams : Pensive Pat : Topic 2 Exam

Exam for Module 1 - Topic 1

You are now ready to take the examination for this module. It is open book, and can be done in conjunction with other students taking the course.

1. All the students in your classroom, including Devon, who has HIV, have been invited to a pool party celebrating the birthday of one of the children. Some of the parents have called you to express concern about their children swimming in the same pool as Devon. What would you say to them?

2. List six examples of common equipment that can be used to facilitate various motor skills in students with disabilities.

3. List at least four problems that a student with mild traumatic brain injury might have that could affect academic work.

4. Describe two activities a speech-language pathologist could lead in an inclusive classroom-based therapy model.

5. Give three ways teachers and speech-language pathologists can communicate without face-to-face interactions.

6. Describe components of an aural habilitation curriculum. Aural habilitation refers to ways to support a child with a hearing loss.

7. Describe how scaffolding could be used to help a child with learning disabilities. As you may remember from your educational psychology classes, scaffolding is a way to help a child construct the next set of concepts based on things they already know (Vygotsky).

8. What are the two options for defining legal blindness?

9. List three kinds of primary service providers for students with blindness or low vision, and describe some of their responsibilities.

10. Describe the concept of Learning Disabilities.

11. What special precautions are needed for bilingual students during an evaluation for learning disabilities to ensure that any severe discrepancy is not due to cultural differences?

12. What three laws protect people with AD/HD from discrimination?

13. What career possibilities are available for people interested in students with mental retardation?

14. List at least six types of partial participation (this can also be called inclusion) and give an example for each.

15. What are four types of adaptations for instructional strategies to include students with severe and multiple disabilities? Give an example of each.

Short answers are just that. Each of these questions could become an essay of excellent proportion.

Do not give into your propensity for expounding at length. Rather, hold your answers to an expectation of depth and succinctness rather than waxing eloquent.

Upon completion, send off responses to the professor, and with my help, you can expect a fine exploration of your insights and an adequate response in return.

Remember - Brevity is the sole of wit.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
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Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail J'Anne Affeld at


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