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ESE548 : The Class : Sherlock Roams : Pensive Pat : Research Questions

Research Questions

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

  1. Study the assignment carefully
  2. Respond to each question in the space provided
  3. Fill in your Name and Email address
  4. Send the Assignment



  • Many of the categories you are reading about refer to conditions that are present at birth, but there is some reason to believe that the support provided during infancy and early childhood could minimize some of the disabilities. Are there any laws that mandate support to preschool children? If so, what are they and how are they carried out in the state where you plan to teach?

  • Child Find has been in effect for several decades. What impact has it had?

  • Sam Kirk is a pioneer in Educational Specialties. Eventually, he moved to Tucson. What is his legacy and how did this one life change our profession?

  • Some research suggests that there are critical periods - times that cannot be recaptured if a child misses them. One of the clearest has to do with acquisition of language. What are the current beliefs about timing in acquiring a first language? Compare and contrast those findings with the theories about children who acquire a second language or who acquire two languages. How does this inform teaching practices?

  • What is Infant Stimulation and what services are available in your community? What does the research say about its effectiveness?

  • What are Assistive devices and what kind of Assistive technology is available to children? How do teachers gain access to this information? What does research tell us about this area of support for children?
To successfully complete this assignment:
  • Choose a research question.
  • Choose a format for gathering data
    1. action research - do the leg work and support your findings with an activity log
    2. surf the web to find answers - remember to give credit and site addresses
    3. gather data from research articles and provide a list of references - APA style
  • Produce a 4-6 page paper that asks and then addresses the question chosen


Excellent: 500 - 1000 words, well organized, asks a question and addresses it, using examples to support findings, Includes data, summary statement and either an activity log, web reference list or APA reference guide
Good: 500+ words, organized, several points offered, addressed the question, summary statement provided
Marginal: : Length is under 500 words, skirts the question rather than discussing it, few or no examples provided, may be missing summary, or final statement may not address the essay question. The student will receive assistance in sharpening the essay


For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail J'Anne Affeld at

Course developed by J'Anne & Martha Affeld


Copyright © 2000 Northern Arizona University