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ESE548 : The Class : Commander Troy : Pensive Pat : Tolerance

Goals for Tolerance and Compassion

Getting to know groups of people that we don't accept can make us more accepting. Consider those dynamics in developing a goal for yourself.

This is a great time to set some personal goals. Use the form below to guide your goal setting.

I will be more compassionate and understanding of myself. I will begin by: I will be more compassionate and understanding of another. I will begin by:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.


Research on ego development suggests that maturity increases our ability to see what others see; to "walk a day in their moccasins" and thus to understand them. Does this impact your goals?

Upon completion you may send a note stating that you set goals, or share them with the instructor using the text box below.

For grading purposes, please provide the following information:

Your Name:
Your Email address:

Once you have filled in the areas above, click the Send button below to send your response to the instructor.


E-mail J'Anne Ellsworth at

Course developed by J'Anne & Martha Ellsworth


Copyright © 2000 Northern Arizona University