ESE625 Advanced Classroom Management Strategies
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Module Two

Activity Three:

You just completed a review of children's literature, reading or skimming a minimum of six books. Now it is time to pull impressions together.


A. List the books or passages you read.

B. Examine the information you gained about children as viewed in literature
1. List ten characteristics and then determine if they are based on an historic
view of children - persistent over time, or belonged to one epoch.
2. Next determine if these perceptions are still held:
a) by society
b) by schools
c) by parents
d) by you

Children are Historic Periodic Society Schools Parents I believe

3. Now do the same with the role of parent or adults in a child's life based on your children's literature readings:

Parents are seen as Historic Periodic Society Schools Parents I believe

4. Now, write an incident with a youngster who is starting at a new school, developing the character enough that the youth shows your perception of who children are, how parents would treat them and the acceptance they might expect at school.

Need an idea? Here is part of the first chapter from Gene Stratton Porter's book, Girl of the Limberlost

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