ESE625 Advanced Classroom Management Strategies
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Module Four

Activity one: Pro-Active Discipline and Business Management

To complete this assignment successfully, you should:

1. Study the assignment carefully
2. Complete the assignment as directed

Pro-active discipline is complex. Certain foundational pieces may be essential to the art and practice of a pro-active management plan. If so, it may be possible to find evidence of these ideas in business management literature.

Direction 1: Find five or more sites in pro-active business management using the keyword list below. Look for similarities between teacher as educational leader and human relations and employee management.


Do you see any consistency?
Are there conflicts?
Should children have rights in the classroom?
In what ways do labor and management illuminate teaching responsibility to students?
In what ways do labor and management illuminate student responsibility to teachers?
Did the material suggest a connection with work ethic or production?


Direction 2: Now that you have reviewed some material on business and systems, evaluate your own organizational and leadership style. Are you more reactive or proactive?

Organizing self
Assess self as reactive or proactive:

Reactive stance Proactive stance
Blame Problem solve
Reject responsibility Look for opportunities
Boss Delegate and trust
Get even Communicate and control self
Tune out Look for options
Become anxious Choose an appropriate response
Gripe or whine Rest - and then try again
Put others in a bad light Increase productivity
  1. Visualize your personal and professional roles and goals
  2. Spend 10 uninterrupted minutes each day listing and prioritizing goals
  3. Give yourself credit for the things that are working and that are getting completed through good work and effort
  4. Open self to issues that arenât going well and assess them in the daily time for problem solving and prioritizing
Once we are self aware and motivated to organize self we are ready to move toward organizing our classroom and educational time.

Direction 3: Write an essay of approximately five paragraphs describing organizational and management changes you are considering and how they will affect your place in the classroom.

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