ESE625 Advanced Classroom Management Strategies
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Activity Two

Activity Two

Read and summarize - Part Two

Directions: Browse through the second set of files, reading the different ideas about supporting student learning. Send a response that covers the following requirements.

    1. Read all the strategies, pp. 50 -99.
    2. Read the information on assessing and working with reading issues. Identify points you might use to strengthen reading instruction.
    3. Read the information on assessing and working with math issues. Identify points you might use to strengthen math instruction.
    4. Read the information on assessing and working with writing issues. Identify points you might use to strengthen writing instruction.
    5. Develop a checklist that identifies ways to develop skills in one of the three major skill areas - reading, math, writing. Develop a lesson using those strategies and try it in your classroom.
    6. Write a review of the lesson, highlighting the most and least effective portions and how you might adapt them for the next attempt in the classroom. Include beliefs about student responses to such techniques, barriers, supports you might need to implement the strategies. Also address how behaviors affected your use of the strategies.
Self Assessment
Part Two
I read all the strategies Yes _______ No _________
Highlight an excellent reading strategy Yes _______ No _________
Highlight an excellent math strategy Yes _______ No _________
Highlight an excellent writing strategy Yes _______ No _________
Develop and try a lesson using a set of strategies. Yes _______ No _________
Write a review on the success and issues in trying the new strategies. Highlight Yes _______ No _________

Please send the reviews and comments along with the checklist.

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