Finland and the Finnish Language

Jim's Blog, "Unfinished Finnish Business"

Finland: Wikipedia article

Finland Rated "Best Country" by Newsweek (August 16, 2010)

(Once the article opens, click on page 2)

Finnish Language: Wikipedia article

Finnish Language Instruction by J. Wilce at Northern Arizona University


Karelian language


Jim Wilce's Finnish Research Interests

Finno-Karelian Lament

Tolbert, Elizabeth
1988 The musical means of sorrow: The Karelian lament tradition Ph.D., Ethnomusicology, UCLA.

1990 Women Cry with Words: Symbolization of Affect in the Karelian Lament. Yearbook for Traditional Music 22:80-105.

1990 Magico-Religious Power and Gender in the Karelian Lament. In Music, Gender, and Culture. M. Herndon and S. Zigler, eds. Pp. 41-56. Intercultural Music Studies. Wilhelmshaven, DE.: International Council for Traditional Music, Florian Noetzel Verlag.
1994 The Voice of Lament: Female Vocality and Performative Efficacy in the Finnish-Karelian Itkuvirsi. In Embodied voices: Representing female vocality in Western culture. L.C. Dunn and N.A. Jones, eds. Pp. 179-194. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Writing Projects Arising Out of Research in Finland

Acknowledgment:  These writing projects are based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0822512. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Nollapersoona (zero person)

Honorific Registers in Relation to Lament

Voice: Two Different Senses of "Voice" in Two Healing Modalities in Finland

Hoitava Ääni, 'Healing Voice' or 'Sound Therapy' (Harmoninen Laulu)

Äänellä Itkijät, 'Those Who Cry With Words/Voice'

Resonance, Physical-Acoustic-Musical, and Interpersonal