

Best connect to KPIG above and maybe have a beer - rebuttals or "but my point is . . . are welcome


 Am I a philosopher . . . 

I like the philosophy angle, May and I have often talked about raising Conor as an experiment. The benefits are that he might grow up to be a Renaissance man, or whatever the guy in the third cheesy Highlander movie turned out to be, or at least a very interesting oddity at cocktail parties - This is not necessarily a bad thing -  Sometimes this draws the attention of really attractive women who are trying to prove that they are just everyday folks like the rest of us.  The downside is that I think that there are laws against this kind of thing and we might go to jail. At the very least IF he can afford therapy he might figure it all out, break free from our not even evil but somewhat amusing  shenanigans and enroll himself in something or other anyway, marry a not so no nice girl and put us in a really rotten nursing home when we are old and feeble--There is  a lot to think about when you are a parent.

All right so now you know our dirty little  secret--I am raising my son to be the next great  philosopher.  Actually, we are raising two boys, one to be the next great philosopher and one to be able to actually write a haiku on the spot  I start to falter when I can't come up with anything appropriate that rhymes with "Nantucket".
