
4th of July . . .This week is the 4th of July, which means horse racing, betting on the ponies, no puppies involved and images of Bukowskian like a antics that will most likely not occur. Chances are friends might come up. Beer festival is months a way but my lips have been forming the words "Telluride Blues and Brews" wonder if the Telluride connection would be up for that. Possibly not . 

Funds are low. So six packs of Mogollon Brew in the alley as affluent youths in North Face clothing walk by discussing  their awakenings

Tonight at the San Felipe Is Buffett night, tickets to the show are going to some low bastard who has an in with the owners  . . . Rick and I are going to drink to much and demand at least an inflatable shark's fin . . .


Seems to be complaint based observations today.


Have begun my novel now that I have an in with an editor. The problem is that the cocktail napkins all have different stains and logos on them and sometimes I can't read my writing.

Adventure fiction is escape fiction, right? We give our readers a diversion from their everyday lives by giving them a vicarious experience as a commando, or detective or gunslinger. An important characteristic of the adventure/action hero is superman. he's the best and the badest. Why? because when we fantasize, nobody wants to imagine himself as a pot-bellied middle-aged accountant. We want to see ourselves as a super-hero. At the center of your story is going to be a superhero, right? That's why you pick a LIBRARIAN as your main character.

My novel revolves around a boyishly handsome, slightly misunderstood, ex-navy seal-special forces guy with an off beat sense of humor who packs it all in to become a librarian at a small mountain town university where coincidently the Presidents daughter has decided to go to school to get away from all of the hassle of the big towns including her secret service detail. Which is a bad idea due to all of the stinking terrorists that have recently enrolled in the ESL program. It is tentatively entitled "Overdue" and the film version of this bestseller will open with either a shot of the hero running as the dawn arrives or climbing a fair sized rock. A cup of coffee will be involved and a dog. I have writers block over whether the coffee would be percolated or instant and have therefore shelved the whole project.


I have a flask full bushmills, free drink coupons for the flight and a baby seat - As always seriously confused. Apparently I have a "balanced hemispheric dominance and a strong visual preference" -  When a woman that does not know you tells you this while standing in line to be searched - Makes you think about saying you prayers, that and always wearing flip flops when boarding a plane.


THIS sick, rotten vicious bastard thought that you were up there writing already and not down in Tucson. So if you CAN'T make it - No worry - we will either camp or go someplace else that claims to have many different musical acts and tables full of beers. Try to make it up though, otherwise scream at THE clocks while we pass the physical and social borders that separate Colorado from AZ


" Work is the curse of the drinking class." Remembering  the timely words of Oscar Wilde -Queen Elizabeth demoted one of her royal footmen for getting her beloved pet corgi dogs drunk on whisky and gin.


Just got back from lunch and realized that I am bored with being a librarian. How about we pack it all in, move to the Bahamas, cover the wee ones in sunblock and develop/facilitate/coordinate/implement and then assess one of those parasailing of the beach thingy's. You could be in charge of thinking outside of the box first if I can drive the speedboat.

If you are in support of this plan, start looking for a really cool pair of sunglasses and begin growing your hair out for the dreadlock look.


We pub crawled on my birthday until a bartender finally had the balls to put a stop to the madness by cutting us off and demanding that we leave. This was in the Monte V of all places. We interpreted this of a sign of the Y2K hysteria and possibly the beginning of the end of this and that as we know it. So we went home to get our guns and the last three beers in the fridge meanwhile sprouting words like Megiddo, Kasbahs and three horned harlot.


Are these thoughts . . . confined? How about restricted to a certain mind set or flavor, how limited is my scope? Am I in fact provincial?

This is my point . . . provincial or local or regional this not necessarily a negative - does it indicate that we are unsophisticated? Sure you wear your zugs at a downtown party in Soho your going to get looks, (it’s all about accessories - how's that for Zen truth!?!). We are only as limited/provincial or as we choose to be.


New Years Eve . . .New Years was pretty mediocre, Ratdog sounded like a band doing a pretty good job of doing dead covers. Bob has a big ol bald spot, Mickey Hart was pretty impressive but got a little bossy on stage. String Cheese had all of their shit together. Carlos Santana passed Rick and I in the hall but did not say "Hi" we are not offended but he is of the Christmas mailing list.


The mountain is open at the very top, limited to 1000 people a day. people will be declaring bankruptcy . . .



Road Trip - Tucson

Woke up yesterday morning in my house in Flagstaff and immediately got hit with a storm so we brewed really strong coffee and read the papers, postponing the trip a bit. But it is sunny and bright out at the moment - small cute bunny rabbits are hopping playfully outside my window even as we speak and a butterfly just landed on my windowsill - obviously it will be a freak of nature winter where we go directly to Spring and collect $200.

Ships passing in the night again . . .  got a $4 pint at the Frog then went to Casa Poca where I was delighted to see that the wait staff still wore all black and worked their tips by ignoring everyone, swung back by the Firken but no one there looked friendly so went up to the top bar at Gentle Ben's and emptied out my wallet until there was nothing but old slips of paper with forgotten phone numbers and titles of books I probably won't get a chance to read - That's the traveling to Tucson for awhile although Rick speaks often of a road trip, with the right incentive I think we could make it down again.